Exploratory Study Regarding The Impact of IFRS on the Audit Opinion in the Case of Romanian Listed Companies.

M Grosu, IB Robu, C Istrate - Audit Financiar, 2015 - search.ebscohost.com
The transition to the IFRS in the European Union and in other countries in the world is
frequently justified by a growth of the financial information quality: relevance, reliability and …

[PDF][PDF] Studiu explorator privind impactul IFRS asupra opiniei de audit în cazul firmelor românesti cotate

M Grosu, IB Robu, C Istrate - Audit financiar, 2015 - researchgate.net
Trecerea la IFRS în Uniunea Europeană şi în alte state ale lumii se justifică adeseori printr-o
creştere a calităţii informaţiilor financiare: relevanţa, reprezentare exactă şi comparabilitate …


MM Maria, B Vasile - Annals of'Constantin Brancusi'University of Targu-Jiu …, 2018 - utgjiu.ro
Transparency regarding the economic and financial information of economic entities is a
necessary condition for substantiating stakeholders decisions, but it is sometimes viewed as …

The dynamics of audit market and financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards: the case of Romanian listed companies

M Tache - Journal of Accounting and Management Information …, 2020 - ceeol.com
Research question: The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of audit market
related to the audit services and financial reporting in accordance with International …