Never seem to find the time: Evaluating the physiological time course of visual word recognition with regression analysis of single-item event-related potentials
Visual word recognition is a process that, both hierarchically and in parallel, draws on
different types of information ranging from perceptual to orthographic to semantic. A central …
different types of information ranging from perceptual to orthographic to semantic. A central …
Brainprint: Assessing the uniqueness, collectability, and permanence of a novel method for ERP biometrics
The human brain continually generates electrical potentials representing neural
communication. These potentials can be measured at the scalp, and constitute the …
communication. These potentials can be measured at the scalp, and constitute the …
Connecting and considering: Electrophysiology provides insights into comprehension
The ability to rapidly and systematically access knowledge stored in long‐term memory in
response to incoming sensory information—that is, to derive meaning from the world—lies at …
response to incoming sensory information—that is, to derive meaning from the world—lies at …
Alpha and theta brain oscillations index dissociable processes in spoken word recognition
Abstract Slow neural oscillations (~ 1–15 Hz) are thought to orchestrate the neural
processes of spoken language comprehension. However, functional subdivisions within this …
processes of spoken language comprehension. However, functional subdivisions within this …
A neurally plausible parallel distributed processing model of event-related potential word reading data
The Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) framework has significant potential for producing
models of cognitive tasks that approximate how the brain performs the same tasks. To date …
models of cognitive tasks that approximate how the brain performs the same tasks. To date …
Tracking the brain signature of (mis) spelled logotypes via letter transpositions and replacements
All leading models of visual word recognition assume a hierarchical process that
progressively converts the visual input into abstract letter and word representations …
progressively converts the visual input into abstract letter and word representations …
Early sensitivity of left perisylvian cortex to relationality in nouns and verbs
The ability to track the relationality of concepts, ie, their capacity to encode a relationship
between entities, is one of the core semantic abilities humans possess. In language …
between entities, is one of the core semantic abilities humans possess. In language …
Is the mind inherently predicting? Exploring forward and backward looking in language processing
Prediction is one characteristic of the human mind. But what does it mean to say the mind is
a “prediction machine” and inherently forward looking as is frequently claimed? In natural …
a “prediction machine” and inherently forward looking as is frequently claimed? In natural …
Predictors of verb-mediated anticipatory eye movements in the visual world.
Many studies have demonstrated that listeners use information extracted from verbs to guide
anticipatory eye movements to objects in the visual context that satisfy the selection …
anticipatory eye movements to objects in the visual context that satisfy the selection …
Repeated exposure to “meaningless” pseudowords modulates LPC, but not N (FN) 400
Training readers to recognize pseudowords could decrease the processing differences
between them and real words while clarifying the lexical acquisition processes. We analyze …
between them and real words while clarifying the lexical acquisition processes. We analyze …