[HTML][HTML] The density matrix renormalization group in chemistry and molecular physics: Recent developments and new challenges

A Baiardi, M Reiher - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
In the past two decades, the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) has emerged as
an innovative new method in quantum chemistry relying on a theoretical framework very …

Low-rank tensor methods for partial differential equations

M Bachmayr - Acta Numerica, 2023 - cambridge.org
Low-rank tensor representations can provide highly compressed approximations of
functions. These concepts, which essentially amount to generalizations of classical …

[SÁCH][B] Geometric methods on low-rank matrix and tensor manifolds

A Uschmajew, B Vandereycken - 2020 - Springer
In this chapter we present numerical methods for low-rank matrix and tensor problems that
explicitly make use of the geometry of rank constrained matrix and tensor spaces. We focus …

Implicit low-rank Riemannian schemes for the time integration of stiff partial differential equations

M Sutti, B Vandereycken - Journal of Scientific Computing, 2024 - Springer
We propose two implicit numerical schemes for the low-rank time integration of stiff
nonlinear partial differential equations. Our approach uses the preconditioned Riemannian …

Low-rank Riemannian eigensolver for high-dimensional Hamiltonians

M Rakhuba, A Novikov, I Oseledets - Journal of Computational Physics, 2019 - Elsevier
Such problems as computation of spectra of spin chains and vibrational spectra of
molecules can be written as high-dimensional eigenvalue problems, ie, when the …

[PDF][PDF] Riemannian algorithms on the stiefel and the fixed-rank manifold

M Sutti - Geneva, Switzerland: Université de …, 2020 - access.archive-ouverte.unige.ch
This thesis is concerned with numerical algorithms on matrix manifolds. It is divided into four
parts, and in all of them, we make extensive use of Riemannian geometry. The interest in …

Automatic differentiation for Riemannian optimization on low-rank matrix and tensor-train manifolds

A Novikov, M Rakhuba, I Oseledets - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022 - SIAM
In scientific computing and machine learning applications, matrices and more general
multidimensional arrays (tensors) can often be approximated with the help of low-rank …

Riemannian multigrid line search for low-rank problems

M Sutti, B Vandereycken - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021 - SIAM
Large-scale optimization problems arising from the discretization of problems involving
PDEs sometimes admit solutions that can be well approximated by low-rank matrices. In this …

Computing low-rank rightmost eigenpairs of a class of matrix-valued linear operators

N Guglielmi, D Kressner, C Scalone - Advances in Computational …, 2021 - Springer
In this article, a new method is proposed to approximate the rightmost eigenpair of certain
matrix-valued linear operators, in a low-rank setting. First, we introduce a suitable ordinary …

[HTML][HTML] A Jacobi–Davidson Method for Large Scale Canonical Correlation Analysis

Z Teng, X Zhang - Algorithms, 2020 - mdpi.com
In the large scale canonical correlation analysis arising from multi-view learning
applications, one needs to compute canonical weight vectors corresponding to a few of …