A Aleksić-Veljković, D Madić… - … Education & Sport, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in balance test scores and success
on the balance beam of young gymnasts competing at the international level of competition …
on the balance beam of young gymnasts competing at the international level of competition …
The relationship between chosen kinematic parameters of the aerial cartwheel on the balance beam during skill learning
A Aleksić-Veljković… - Baltic Journal of …, 2019 - balticsportscience.com
Background: The purpose of this study was to determine a relationship between the chosen
parameters of aerial cartwheel on the balance beam during learning the skill of this element …
parameters of aerial cartwheel on the balance beam during learning the skill of this element …
Hop**, Landing, and Balancing with Springs
JD GAMBA CAMACHO - 2022 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
This work investigates the interaction of a planar double pendulum robot and springs, where
the lower body (the leg) has been modified to include a spring-loaded passive prismatic …
the lower body (the leg) has been modified to include a spring-loaded passive prismatic …
Physical development contributions to biomechanical injury risk in female gymnasts
HE Wyatt - 2015 - figshare.cardiffmet.ac.uk
Ongoing chronic back pain and chronic spinal injury prevalence in the gymnastics
population is a major concern for the health and wellbeing of female gymnasts. To inform …
population is a major concern for the health and wellbeing of female gymnasts. To inform …
[PDF][PDF] Βalance Assessment with Handstand in Artistic Gymnastics A Systematic Review
Gymnastics is an Olympic sport that requires long hours of training from a young age.
Balance along with control of the body's center of gravity is one of the key elements …
Balance along with control of the body's center of gravity is one of the key elements …
Dekonstrukcija identiteta postmodernog subjekta u Njujorškoj trilogiji Pola Ostera i Antropološkoj trilogiji Borislava Pekića
M Lojanica - Универзитет у Крагујевцу, 2015 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
U disertaciji Dekonstrukcija identiteta postmodernog subjekta u Njujorškoj trilogiji Pola
Ostera i Antropološkoj trilogiji Borislava Pekića, primenom analitičko-sintetičke …
Ostera i Antropološkoj trilogiji Borislava Pekića, primenom analitičko-sintetičke …
Ravnoteža ako faktor uspeha u vežbanju na gredi
AZ Aleksić-Veljković - Универзитет у Нишу, 2016 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Сажетак Постизање врхунских резултата у женској спортској гимнастици зависи од
великог броја фактора. Како је греда једна од четири справе женског гимнастичког …
великог броја фактора. Како је греда једна од четири справе женског гимнастичког …
[PDF][PDF] Quality of judging on the balance beam at the European Championship 2014
A Aleksić-Veljković, K Herodek… - … 2016" in physical …, 2016 - academia.edu
The aim of our research was to analyze the reliability and validity of judges' E scores and
artistry deductions on the balance beam in the qualifying competition (C‐I) of the 2014 …
artistry deductions on the balance beam in the qualifying competition (C‐I) of the 2014 …
Равнотежa као фактор успеха у вежбању на греди
AZ Aleksić-Veljković - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Постизање врхунских резултата у женској спортској гимнастици зависи од великог
броја фактора. Како је греда једна од четири справе женског гимнастичког вишебоја …
броја фактора. Како је греда једна од четири справе женског гимнастичког вишебоја …
[PDF][PDF] Aleksandra Aleksić-Veljković1, Dejan Madić1, Saša Veličković2, Katarina Herodek 2, Boris Popović1
BINY GYMNASTS - academia.edu
The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in balance test scores and success
on the balance beam of young gymnasts competing at the international level of competition …
on the balance beam of young gymnasts competing at the international level of competition …