Object recognition, segmentation, and classification of mobile laser scanning point clouds: A state of the art review
Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) is a versatile remote sensing technology based on Light
Detection and Ranging (lidar) technology that has been utilized for a wide range of …
Detection and Ranging (lidar) technology that has been utilized for a wide range of …
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for existing buildings—Literature review and future needs
While BIM processes are established for new buildings, the majority of existing buildings is
not maintained, refurbished or deconstructed with BIM yet. Promising benefits of efficient …
not maintained, refurbished or deconstructed with BIM yet. Promising benefits of efficient …
Dynamic graph cnn for learning on point clouds
Point clouds provide a flexible geometric representation suitable for countless applications
in computer graphics; they also comprise the raw output of most 3D data acquisition devices …
in computer graphics; they also comprise the raw output of most 3D data acquisition devices …
Foldingnet: Point cloud auto-encoder via deep grid deformation
Recent deep networks that directly handle points in a point set, eg, PointNet, have been
state-of-the-art for supervised learning tasks on point clouds such as classification and …
state-of-the-art for supervised learning tasks on point clouds such as classification and …
Tangent convolutions for dense prediction in 3d
We present an approach to semantic scene analysis using deep convolutional networks.
Our approach is based on tangent convolutions-a new construction for convolutional …
Our approach is based on tangent convolutions-a new construction for convolutional …
Pointgrid: A deep network for 3d shape understanding
T Le, Y Duan - Proceedings of the IEEE conference on …, 2018 - openaccess.thecvf.com
This paper presents a new deep learning architecture called PointGrid that is designed for
3D model recognition from unorganized point clouds. The new architecture embeds the …
3D model recognition from unorganized point clouds. The new architecture embeds the …
Mining point cloud local structures by kernel correlation and graph pooling
Unlike on images, semantic learning on 3D point clouds using a deep network is
challenging due to the naturally unordered data structure. Among existing works, PointNet …
challenging due to the naturally unordered data structure. Among existing works, PointNet …
[HTML][HTML] Perception, planning, control, and coordination for autonomous vehicles
Autonomous vehicles are expected to play a key role in the future of urban transportation
systems, as they offer potential for additional safety, increased productivity, greater …
systems, as they offer potential for additional safety, increased productivity, greater …
Voxnet: A 3d convolutional neural network for real-time object recognition
Robust object recognition is a crucial skill for robots operating autonomously in real world
environments. Range sensors such as LiDAR and RGBD cameras are increasingly found in …
environments. Range sensors such as LiDAR and RGBD cameras are increasingly found in …
Point2sequence: Learning the shape representation of 3d point clouds with an attention-based sequence to sequence network
Exploring contextual information in the local region is important for shape understanding
and analysis. Existing studies often employ hand-crafted or explicit ways to encode …
and analysis. Existing studies often employ hand-crafted or explicit ways to encode …