Heavy metal contamination in urban surface sediments: sources, distribution, contamination control, and remediation
Urban road sediments act as large basins for heavy metal contaminants produced as a
result of natural processes and anthropogenic activities. This study is aimed at reviewing …
result of natural processes and anthropogenic activities. This study is aimed at reviewing …
The health risk and source assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soil of industrial cities in India
Industrial areas play an important role in the urban ecosystem. Industrial site environmental
quality is linked to human health. Soil samples from two different cities in India, Jamshedpur …
quality is linked to human health. Soil samples from two different cities in India, Jamshedpur …
[HTML][HTML] HydroPol2D—Distributed hydrodynamic and water quality model: Challenges and opportunities in poorly-gauged catchments
Floods are one of the deadliest natural hazards and are exacerbated by changes in land-
use and climate. Urban development decreases infiltration by reducing pervious areas and …
use and climate. Urban development decreases infiltration by reducing pervious areas and …
Human health risk assessment of heavy metals in urban stormwater
Toxic chemical pollutants such as heavy metals (HMs) are commonly present in urban
stormwater. These pollutants can pose a significant risk to human health and hence a …
stormwater. These pollutants can pose a significant risk to human health and hence a …
Seasonal and daily occurrence of microplastic pollution in urban road dust
T Wang, S Niu, J Wu, J Yu - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 - Elsevier
In recent years, microplastic pollution and its potential ecological risks have attracted a lot of
attention. The pollution level of microplastics (MPs) in urban road dust has already been …
attention. The pollution level of microplastics (MPs) in urban road dust has already been …
Occurrence and risk associated with urban road-deposited microplastics
An in-depth understanding of urban road-deposited MPs is important for the accurate
prediction of the risk posed by MPs in different exposure scenarios. This study provides new …
prediction of the risk posed by MPs in different exposure scenarios. This study provides new …
Comprehensive evaluation of stormwater pollutants characteristics, purification process and environmental impact after low impact development practices
Understanding the stormwater characteristics and purification process of different underlying
surfaces in an intensive Low Impact Development (LID) catchment is critical for summarizing …
surfaces in an intensive Low Impact Development (LID) catchment is critical for summarizing …
Interactions of particulate-and dissolved-phase heavy metals in a mature stormwater bioretention cell
Bioretention is an increasingly common stormwater control measure (SCM) for mitigation of
stormwater quantity and quality. Studies from lab to field scale have shown successful …
stormwater quantity and quality. Studies from lab to field scale have shown successful …
Impact of global warming on urban stormwater quality: From the perspective of an alternative water resource
Stormwater is a largely under-utilised resource available to alleviate water shortages in
urban areas. However, stormwater needs treatment before use. Further, projected changes …
urban areas. However, stormwater needs treatment before use. Further, projected changes …
Physicochemical conditions and properties of particles in urban runoff and rivers: Implications for runoff pollution
In this study, to gain an improved understanding of the fate and fractionation of particle-
bound pollutants, we evaluated the physicochemical conditions and the properties of …
bound pollutants, we evaluated the physicochemical conditions and the properties of …