Research history of forest gap as small-scale disturbances in forest ecosystems
A Tian, Ü Halik, W Fu, S Sawirdin, S Cheng, J Lei - Forests, 2023 -
Forest gaps, which are formed by small-scale disturbances that often occur in forest
communities, are the most dominant form of disturbance in many types of forests around the …
communities, are the most dominant form of disturbance in many types of forests around the …
Composition, structure, and dendroecology of an old-growth Quercus forest on the tablelands of the Cumberland Plateau, USA
Forest reconstructions provide information on the processes that influence forest
development and successional patterns. In this study, we quantified woody species …
development and successional patterns. In this study, we quantified woody species …
Canopy gap dynamics and development patterns in secondary Quercus stands on the Cumberland Plateau, Alabama, USA
JD Richards, JL Hart - Forest Ecology and Management, 2011 - Elsevier
Forest disturbances of various spatial extents and magnitudes shape species composition,
structure, and stand development patterns. The disturbance regimes of most complex stage …
structure, and stand development patterns. The disturbance regimes of most complex stage …
Canopy disturbance history of old-growth Quercus alba sites in the eastern United States: examination of long-term trends and broad-scale patterns
In the Eastern Deciduous Forest Formation, disturbance regimes are dominated by localized
events that remove relatively small portions of the forest canopy, increasing growing space …
events that remove relatively small portions of the forest canopy, increasing growing space …
Effects of intermediate-scale wind disturbance on composition, structure, and succession in Quercus stands: Implications for natural disturbance-based silviculture
Forest disturbances are discrete events in space and time that disrupt the biophysical
environment and impart lasting legacies on forest composition and structure. Disturbances …
environment and impart lasting legacies on forest composition and structure. Disturbances …
Relationships between Ligustrum sinense invasion, biodiversity, and development in a mixed bottomland forest
JL Hart, BN Holmes - Invasive Plant Science and Management, 2013 -
Invasion of closed canopy forests by shade-tolerant alien plants has the potential to modify
species composition, stand structure, ecosystem function, and long-term forest development …
species composition, stand structure, ecosystem function, and long-term forest development …
Assessment of disturbances across forest inventory plots in the southeastern united states for the period 1995–2018
Disturbances of varying frequency and intensity shape the species composition, stand
structure, and functions of forests. This study assessed the frequency and distribution of …
structure, and functions of forests. This study assessed the frequency and distribution of …
Patterns of riparian and in-stream large woody debris across a chronosequence of southern Appalachian hardwood stands
RP Parker, JL Hart - Natural Areas Journal, 2014 - BioOne
The density and volume of riparian and in-stream large woody debris (LWD) is hypothesized
to be a function of forest disturbance and developmental processes. However, these …
to be a function of forest disturbance and developmental processes. However, these …
Estimating gap age using tree-ring width in combination with carbon isotope discrimination in a temperate forest, Northeast China
Key message The accuracy of gap age estimation can be improved from 5–6 to 2 years by
analyzing the annual width and carbon isotope discrimination of the rings of gap …
analyzing the annual width and carbon isotope discrimination of the rings of gap …
Incorporating intermediate-severity disturbances in oak stand development
We propose a conceptual framework for the development of closed canopy oak (Quercus)
stands that incorporates the influence of intermediate-severity canopy disturbance events …
stands that incorporates the influence of intermediate-severity canopy disturbance events …