Understanding the drivers of innovation in an organization: a literature review

MV Dani, AV Gandhi - International Journal of Innovation Science, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Innovation is an engine that drives the organization and allows it to outcompete in
the economic environment. This paper aims to analyze scientific publications between 1980 …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of Business Intelligence capacity, network learning and innovativeness on startups performance

N Caseiro, A Coelho - Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a model to investigate the direct effects of Business Intelligence (BI) on
performance, and the indirect effects, through network learning (NL) and innovativeness …

Interrelationship between strategic factors, technology and organizational learning: a systematic literature review

K Sharan, D Dhayanithy, D Sethi - Journal of Knowledge …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to examine the relationship between organizational learning (OL)
and technology through the lens of strategic factors and to ascertain future research …

Innovación organizacional y competitividad empresarial: Centros estéticos de turismo de salud en Cali-Colombia

JM Garcés, LP Delgado - Revista de Ciencias sociales, 2020 - dialnet.unirioja.es
El turismo en sus distintas tipologías ha dinamizado las economías mundiales haciendo
que las empresas dedicadas a esta actividad sean cada vez más competitivas e innoven …

The effect of organisational learning on interorganisational collaborations in innovation: an empirical study in SMEs

M Martínez-Costa, D Jiménez-Jiménez… - … Research & Practice, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The collaboration between companies for the development of innovations requires not only
sharing a series of resources, but also a clear orientation towards innovation that promotes …

Promoting technology innovation performance through high involvement HRM, technology adaptation and innovativeness

MRB Rubel, DMH Kee, NN Rimi - Business Process Management …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to examine how high involvement HRM (HIHRM), technology
adaptation and innovativeness influence employees to respond to technology innovation …

Effect of consumer innovativeness on new product purchase intentions through learning process and perceived value

SA Al-Jundi, A Shuhaiber… - Cogent Business & …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Prior research on the impact of consumer innovativeness on new product purchase
intentions experienced confusion about the definition of innovativeness and the interest in a …

[HTML][HTML] Innovative climate, a determinant of competitiveness and business performance in Chinese law firms: the role of firm size and age

S Bibi, A Khan, H Qian, AC Garavelli, A Natalicchio… - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
In the past few decades, a firm's innovative climate has received much attention in the
context of innovative behavior, competitiveness, and business performance. The existing …

Analysing perceived role of blockchain technology in SCM context for the manufacturing industry

A Karamchandani, SK Srivastava, S Kumar… - … Journal of Production …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Blockchain is a disruptive technology that promises to embed visibility and trustworthiness in
supply chains. This paper examines the perceived role of blockchain in improving SCM and …

The impact of information technologies on communication satisfaction and organizational learning in companies in Serbia

S Mitić, M Nikolić, J Jankov, J Vukonjanski… - Computers in Human …, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper presents the results of research into the impact of information technologies on
communication satisfaction and organizational learning in companies in Serbia. The data …