Post-traumatic stress disorder: clinical and translational neuroscience from cells to circuits
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a maladaptive and debilitating psychiatric disorder,
characterized by re-experiencing, avoidance, negative emotions and thoughts, and …
characterized by re-experiencing, avoidance, negative emotions and thoughts, and …
Racism, racial discrimination, and trauma: A systematic review of the social science literature
K Kirkinis, AL Pieterse, C Martin, A Agiliga… - Ethnicity & …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Objective: The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic review of studies that examine
relationships between racial discrimination and trauma in order to further understand the …
relationships between racial discrimination and trauma in order to further understand the …
Mental health in elite athletes: International Olympic Committee consensus statement (2019)
CL Reardon, B Hainline, CM Aron, D Baron… - British journal of sports …, 2019 -
Mental health symptoms and disorders are common among elite athletes, may have sport
related manifestations within this population and impair performance. Mental health cannot …
related manifestations within this population and impair performance. Mental health cannot …
The epidemiology of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder in a representative cohort of young people in England and Wales
Background Despite the emphasis placed on childhood trauma in psychiatry, comparatively
little is known about the epidemiology of trauma and trauma-related psychopathology in …
little is known about the epidemiology of trauma and trauma-related psychopathology in …
GWAS meta-analysis of suicide attempt: identification of 12 genome-wide significant loci and implication of genetic risks for specific health factors
AR Docherty, N Mullins, AE Ashley-Koch… - American journal of …, 2023 -
Objective: Suicidal behavior is heritable and is a major cause of death worldwide. Two large-
scale genome-wide association studies (GWASs) recently discovered and cross-validated …
scale genome-wide association studies (GWASs) recently discovered and cross-validated …
Assessing racial trauma within a DSM–5 framework: The UConn Racial/Ethnic Stress & Trauma Survey.
Many ethnic minority groups experience higher rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
compared to their European American counterparts. One explanation for this is the …
compared to their European American counterparts. One explanation for this is the …
The epidemiology of traumatic event exposure worldwide: results from the World Mental Health Survey Consortium
BackgroundConsiderable research has documented that exposure to traumatic events has
negative effects on physical and mental health. Much less research has examined the …
negative effects on physical and mental health. Much less research has examined the …
Long-term mental health of war-refugees: a systematic literature review
M Bogic, A Njoku, S Priebe - BMC international health and human rights, 2015 - Springer
Background There are several million war-refugees worldwide, majority of whom stay in the
recipient countries for years. However, little is known about their long-term mental health …
recipient countries for years. However, little is known about their long-term mental health …
Anxiety and depression as bidirectional risk factors for one another: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.
Not only do anxiety and depression diagnoses tend to co-occur, but their symptoms are
highly correlated. Although a plethora of research has examined longitudinal associations …
highly correlated. Although a plethora of research has examined longitudinal associations …
The epidemiology of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III
RB Goldstein, SM Smith, SP Chou, TD Saha… - Social psychiatry and …, 2016 - Springer
Objectives To present current, nationally representative US findings on the past-year and
lifetime prevalences, sociodemographic correlates, psychiatric comorbidity, associated …
lifetime prevalences, sociodemographic correlates, psychiatric comorbidity, associated …