Linking ambivalent sexism to violence-against-women attitudes and behaviors: A three-level meta-analytic review
Ambivalent sexism (hostile and benevolent sexism) maintains gender inequalities and has
been applied to investigate violence against women (VAW). We conducted a …
been applied to investigate violence against women (VAW). We conducted a …
Coaching as a growth-or security-oriented process–How regulatory fit increases coaching success
Regulatory focus theory suggests that promoters are more concerned with growth and
preventers are more concerned with security. Since coaching is a growth-oriented process, it …
preventers are more concerned with security. Since coaching is a growth-oriented process, it …
[HTML][HTML] The development of a family-based wearable intervention using behaviour change and co-design approaches: move and connect
Background Previous research has explored the effectiveness of wearable activity trackers
(wearables) for increasing child physical activity (PA) levels, but there have been mixed …
(wearables) for increasing child physical activity (PA) levels, but there have been mixed …
The role of motivation in the initiation and maintening mentoring relationships among nurses and midwives
Aim To understand clinicians' motivations to engage in mentoring to support newly
graduated nurses and midwives working in hospital settings. Background Nursing and …
graduated nurses and midwives working in hospital settings. Background Nursing and …
Blurred Ideas: How Perpetrator Behavior, Target Response, and Observer Gender Can Influence Perceptions of Workplace Sexual Harassment
Despite increasing awareness, sexual harassment remains a significant concern in the
workplace. The enduring problem of sexual harassment seems to persist due to a lack of …
workplace. The enduring problem of sexual harassment seems to persist due to a lack of …
Feminist and queer approaches to ICT4D: imagining and enacting liberation
This editorial introduces the core message and contributions of the Special Issue on
Feminist and Queer Approaches to ICT4D. We contextualize our Call for Papers and the …
Feminist and Queer Approaches to ICT4D. We contextualize our Call for Papers and the …
The role of teacher-student relationship on teachers' attitudes toward school bullying: A study from Jordan
A positive teacher-student relationship has been found to affect students' attitudes toward
bullying, and in turn, their engagement in bullying behavior. However, no investigation has …
bullying, and in turn, their engagement in bullying behavior. However, no investigation has …
[HTML][HTML] From bad to worse: safety behaviors exacerbate eating disorder fears
When evaluating ambiguous situations, humans sometimes use their behavior as a source
of information (behavior-as-information effect) and interpret safety behaviors as evidence for …
of information (behavior-as-information effect) and interpret safety behaviors as evidence for …
It practically drives itself: autonomous vehicle technology, psychological attitudes, and susceptibility to risky driving behaviors
This study examines how favourable attitudes towards autonomous vehicle technology and
automation-induced complacency relate to unsafe driving behaviours using semi …
automation-induced complacency relate to unsafe driving behaviours using semi …
[PDF][PDF] Tutorial: Creating AI-Generated Images for Vignette Studies in Python or R
CS Arlinghaus, GW Maier - 2024 - osf.io
This tutorial recommends using AI-generated images in vignette studies. AI tools like
OpenAI's DALL· E offer efficient, cost-effective creation of customized visual stimuli. To …
OpenAI's DALL· E offer efficient, cost-effective creation of customized visual stimuli. To …