New developments on the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) data portal
Abstract The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) is an ongoing collaborative
research project aimed at identifying all the functional elements in the human and mouse …
research project aimed at identifying all the functional elements in the human and mouse …
The Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE): data portal update
CA Davis, BC Hitz, CA Sloan, ET Chan… - Nucleic acids …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
The Enc yclopedia of D NA E lements (ENCODE) Data Coordinating Center has developed
the ENCODE Portal database and website as the source for the data and metadata …
the ENCODE Portal database and website as the source for the data and metadata …
The 4D Nucleome Data Portal as a resource for searching and visualizing curated nucleomics data
Abstract The 4D Nucleome (4DN) Network aims to elucidate the complex structure and
organization of chromosomes in the nucleus and the impact of their disruption in disease …
organization of chromosomes in the nucleus and the impact of their disruption in disease …
The ENCODE uniform analysis pipelines
The Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) project is a collaborative effort to create a
comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human genome. The current database …
comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human genome. The current database …
The road towards data integration in human genomics: players, steps and interactions
Thousands of new experimental datasets are becoming available every day; in many cases,
they are produced within the scope of large cooperative efforts, involving a variety of …
they are produced within the scope of large cooperative efforts, involving a variety of …
Laser capture microdissection and RNA-Seq analysis: high sensitivity approaches to explain histopathological heterogeneity in human glioblastoma FFPE archived …
Laser capture microdissection (LCM) coupled with RNA-seq is a powerful tool to identify
genes that are differentially expressed in specific histological tumor subtypes. To better …
genes that are differentially expressed in specific histological tumor subtypes. To better …