[HTML][HTML] Assessment of charging technologies, infrastructure and charging station recommendation schemes of electric vehicles: A review
This article comprehensively reviews recent Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure,
technology, and issues related to charging station identification. A literature study on the …
technology, and issues related to charging station identification. A literature study on the …
A comprehensive review on recent developments of hosting capacity estimation and optimization for active distribution networks
Recently, several types of distributed energy resources (DERs) have been developed to
reduce the environmental impact and support the global demand for electrical energy …
reduce the environmental impact and support the global demand for electrical energy …
Optimal allocation of renewable distributed generations using heuristic methods to minimize annual energy losses and voltage deviation index
In this paper, two metaheuristic methods, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization,
are proposed to determine the optimal locations, sizes, and power factors of single and …
are proposed to determine the optimal locations, sizes, and power factors of single and …
[HTML][HTML] Maximum hosting capacity estimation for renewables in power grids considering energy storage and transmission lines expansion using hybrid sine cosine …
The broad spread of renewable energy sources (RESs) and storage systems increases
modern power systems' challenges and may conflict with system operation requirements …
modern power systems' challenges and may conflict with system operation requirements …
Challenges and opportunities of FACTS devices interacting with electric vehicles in distribution networks: A technological review
Electric vehicles have many opportunities to participate in auxiliary operations as research
interest in renewables and green energy sources grows. This paper discusses novel energy …
interest in renewables and green energy sources grows. This paper discusses novel energy …
[HTML][HTML] Improvement of active distribution systems with high penetration capacities of shunt reactive compensators and distributed generators using Bald Eagle …
This work proposes an intelligent allocation of distributed generation (DG) units and shunt
reactive compensators (SRC) with high penetration capacities into distribution systems for …
reactive compensators (SRC) with high penetration capacities into distribution systems for …
Dynamic multi-objective optimization of grid-connected distributed resources along with battery energy storage management via improved bidirectional coevolutionary …
This paper explores the synergistic role of Distributed Resources (DR), including Distributed
Generation (DG) and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), in enhancing modern power …
Generation (DG) and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), in enhancing modern power …
Multi‐objective multi‐period optimal site and size of distributed generation along with network reconfiguration
While extensive research has focused on enhancing distribution networks through either
maximizing Distributed Generation (DG) integration or network reconfiguration at specific …
maximizing Distributed Generation (DG) integration or network reconfiguration at specific …
Pareto front-based multiobjective optimization of distributed generation considering the effect of voltage-dependent nonlinear load models
Single objective constant PQ load models were extensively considered for site and size of
distributed generation (DG) and shunt capacitor (SC) allocation. Which may lead to single …
distributed generation (DG) and shunt capacitor (SC) allocation. Which may lead to single …
A comprehensive review of recent advances in optimal allocation methods for distributed renewable generation
Distributed generation (DG) has a key role in enlarging the implementation of renewable
energy resources (RES). However, the intermittent and uncontrollable nature of RES can …
energy resources (RES). However, the intermittent and uncontrollable nature of RES can …