When Simulation Meets Antichains: (On Checking Language Inclusion of Nondeterministic Finite (Tree) Automata)

PA Abdulla, YF Chen, L Holík, R Mayr… - … Conference on Tools and …, 2010 - Springer
We describe a new and more efficient algorithm for checking universality and language
inclusion on nondeterministic finite word automata (NFA) and tree automata (TA). To the …

An antichain algorithm for LTL realizability

E Filiot, N **, JF Raskin - … Conference, CAV 2009, Grenoble, France, June …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper, we study the structure of underlying automata based constructions for solving
the LTL realizability and synthesis problem. We show how to reduce the LTL realizability …

AutoQ: An Automata-Based Quantum Circuit Verifier

YF Chen, KM Chung, O Lengál, JA Lin… - … Conference on Computer …, 2023 - Springer
We present a specification language and a fully automated tool named AutoQ for verifying
quantum circuits symbolically. The tool implements the automata-based algorithm from and …

Deciding entailments in inductive separation logic with tree automata

R Iosif, A Rogalewicz, T Vojnar - … , Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 3-7 …, 2014 - Springer
Separation Logic (SL) with inductive definitions is a natural formalism for specifying complex
recursive data structures, used in compositional verification of programs manipulating such …

Antichain algorithms for finite automata

L Doyen, JF Raskin - International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for …, 2010 - Springer
We present a general theory that exploits simulation relations on transition systems to obtain
antichain algorithms for solving the reachability and repeated reachability problems …

Mata: A Fast and Simple Finite Automata Library

D Chocholatý, T Fiedor, V Havlena, L Holík… - … Conference on Tools …, 2024 - Springer
Mata is a well-engineered automata library written in C++ that offers a unique combination of
speed and simplicity. It is meant to serve in applications such as string constraint solving and …

Abstract regular (tree) model checking

A Bouajjani, P Habermehl, A Rogalewicz… - International Journal on …, 2012 - Springer
Regular model checking is a generic technique for verification of infinite-state and/or
parametrised systems which uses finite word automata or finite tree automata to finitely …

Vata: A library for efficient manipulation of non-deterministic tree automata

O Lengál, J Šimáček, T Vojnar - … Conference on Tools and Algorithms for …, 2012 - Springer
In this paper, we present VATA, a versatile and efficient open-source tree automata library
applicable, eg, in formal verification. The library supports both explicit and semi-symbolic …

Reasoning about regular properties: A comparative study

T Fiedor, L Holík, M Hruška, A Rogalewicz, J Síč… - … on Automated Deduction, 2023 - Springer
Several new algorithms for deciding emptiness of Boolean combinations of regular
languages and of languages of alternating automata have been proposed recently …

[HTML][HTML] Static analysis for ECMAScript string manipulation programs

V Arceri, I Mastroeni, S Xu - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
In recent years, dynamic languages, such as JavaScript or Python, have been increasingly
used in a wide range of fields and applications. Their tricky and misunderstood behaviors …