Evaluating display fidelity and interaction fidelity in a virtual reality game
In recent years, consumers have witnessed a technological revolution that has delivered
more-realistic experiences in their own homes through high-definition, stereoscopic …
more-realistic experiences in their own homes through high-definition, stereoscopic …
The design and use of simplepower: a cycle-accurate energy estimation tool
In this paper, we presen t the design and use of a comprehensiv e framework, SimplePower,
for ev aluating the effect of high-level algorithmic, architectural, and compilation trade-offs on …
for ev aluating the effect of high-level algorithmic, architectural, and compilation trade-offs on …
Questioning naturalism in 3D user interfaces
Questioning naturalism in 3D user interfaces Page 1 78 CommuniCationS oF the aCm |
SepteMBer 2012 | voL. 55 | No. 9 review articles Doi:10.1145/2330667.2330687 3D UIs are …
SepteMBer 2012 | voL. 55 | No. 9 review articles Doi:10.1145/2330667.2330687 3D UIs are …
Comparing the performance of natural, semi-natural, and non-natural locomotion techniques in virtual reality
One of the goals of much virtual reality (VR) research is to increase realism. In particular,
many techniques for locomotion in VR attempt to approximate real-world walking. However …
many techniques for locomotion in VR attempt to approximate real-world walking. However …
Interaction fidelity: the uncanny valley of virtual reality interactions
Interaction designers often strive to create more-realistic and natural interactions for virtual
reality (VR) applications. However, due to hardware and system limitations, they often settle …
reality (VR) applications. However, due to hardware and system limitations, they often settle …
How virtual hand representations affect the perceptions of dynamic affordances in virtual reality
User representations are critical to the virtual experience, and involve both the input device
used to support interactions as well as how the user is virtually represented in the scene …
used to support interactions as well as how the user is virtually represented in the scene …
HeadJoystick: Improving flying in VR using a novel leaning-based interface
Flying in virtual reality (VR) using standard handheld controllers can be cumbersome and
contribute to unwanted side effects such as motion sickness and disorientation. This article …
contribute to unwanted side effects such as motion sickness and disorientation. This article …
The effect of hand size and interaction modality on the virtual hand illusion
Most commercial virtual reality applications with self avatars provide users with a “one-size
fits all” avatar. While the height of this body may be scaled to the user's height, other body …
fits all” avatar. While the height of this body may be scaled to the user's height, other body …
Controllers or Bare Hands? A Controlled Evaluation of Input Techniques on Interaction Performance and Exertion in Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) systems have traditionally required users to operate the user interface
with controllers in mid-air. More recent VR systems, however, integrate cameras to track the …
with controllers in mid-air. More recent VR systems, however, integrate cameras to track the …
The interaction fidelity model: A taxonomy to communicate the different aspects of fidelity in virtual reality
Fidelity describes how closely a replication resembles the original. It can be helpful to
analyze how faithful interactions in virtual reality (VR) are to a reference interaction. In prior …
analyze how faithful interactions in virtual reality (VR) are to a reference interaction. In prior …