Mars 2020 mission overview
KA Farley, KH Williford, KM Stack, R Bhartia… - Space Science …, 2020 - Springer
The Mars 2020 mission will seek the signs of ancient life on Mars and will identify, prepare,
document, and cache a set of samples for possible return to Earth by a follow-on mission …
document, and cache a set of samples for possible return to Earth by a follow-on mission …
The role of meteorite impacts in the origin of life
The conditions, timing, and setting for the origin of life on Earth and whether life exists
elsewhere in our solar system and beyond represent some of the most fundamental …
elsewhere in our solar system and beyond represent some of the most fundamental …
Giant impacts and the origin and evolution of continents
Earth is the only planet known to have continents, although how they formed and evolved is
unclear. Here using the oxygen isotope compositions of dated magmatic zircon, we show …
unclear. Here using the oxygen isotope compositions of dated magmatic zircon, we show …
Earth's impact events through geologic time: a list of recommended ages for terrestrial impact structures and deposits
M Schmieder, DA Kring - Astrobiology, 2020 - liebertpub.com
This article presents a current (as of September 2019) list of recommended ages for proven
terrestrial impact structures (n= 200) and deposits (n= 46) sourced from the primary …
terrestrial impact structures (n= 200) and deposits (n= 46) sourced from the primary …
A new analysis of Mars “special regions”: findings of the second MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group (SR-SAG2)
JD Rummel, DW Beaty, MA Jones, C Bakermans… - 2014 - liebertpub.com
A committee of the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) has reviewed and
updated the description of Special Regions on Mars as places where terrestrial organisms …
updated the description of Special Regions on Mars as places where terrestrial organisms …
Sampling Mars: Geologic context and preliminary characterization of samples collected by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission
The NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission has collected samples of rock, regolith,
and atmosphere within the Noachian-aged Jezero Crater, once the site of a delta-lake …
and atmosphere within the Noachian-aged Jezero Crater, once the site of a delta-lake …
Biosignature preservation and detection in Mars analog environments
This review of material relevant to the Conference on Biosignature Preservation and
Detection in Mars Analog Environments summarizes the meeting materials and discussions …
Detection in Mars Analog Environments summarizes the meeting materials and discussions …
The potential science and engineering value of samples delivered to Earth by Mars sample return: International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST)
DW Beaty, MM Grady, HY McSween… - … & Planetary Science, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Return of samples from the surface of Mars has been a goal of the international Mars
science community for many years. Affirmation by NASA and ESA of the importance of Mars …
science community for many years. Affirmation by NASA and ESA of the importance of Mars …
Impact cratering: Processes and products
GR Osinski, E Pierazzo - Impact Cratering, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past couple of decades, it is has become widely recognized that impact cratering is
a ubiquitous geological process that affects all planetary objects with a solid surface. Indeed …
a ubiquitous geological process that affects all planetary objects with a solid surface. Indeed …
Olivine‐carbonate mineralogy of the Jezero crater region
A well‐preserved, ancient delta deposit, in combination with ample exposures of carbonate
outcrops, makes Jezero Crater in Nili Fossae a compelling astrobiological site. We use …
outcrops, makes Jezero Crater in Nili Fossae a compelling astrobiological site. We use …