Review on image-based non-destructive observation methods for soil meso-liquefaction process

H Wang, W Wu, Y Zhou, Y Sun, Z Zhao, L Hu… - Bulletin of Engineering …, 2024 - Springer
Investigation of the mechanisms of soil liquefaction using imaging techniques from a
mesoscopic perspective is essential for thorough characterization and quantification …

High-precision FBG-based sensor for soil settlement monitoring: A comparative study with magnetic settlement gauges and PIV technique

D Xu, L Jiang, Y Qin, H Shen, B Ji - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2024 - Elsevier
The primary objective of layered settlement monitoring is to detect subsidence issues in soil
or foundational structures, in order to implement appropriate measures for ensuring the …

Critical Review of Physical-Mechanical Principles in Geostructure-Soil Interface Mechanics

TA Pham, S Nadimi, M Sutman - Geotechnical and Geological …, 2024 - Springer
Due to the relatively different mechanical and physical properties of soils and structures, the
interface plays a critical role in the transfer of stress and strain between them. The stability …

Assessment of pegged geogrid (PG) pullout performance in coarse-grained soils using PIV analysis

MR Abdi, H Mirzaeifar, Y Asgardun, K Hatami - Geotextiles and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The paper examines the efficacy of using small, welded metal plates (pegs) in enhancing
the pullout resistance of commercially available geogrids. Soil deformations and particle …

New approach to junction efficiency analysis of hexagonal geogrid using digital image correlation method

J Górszczyk, K Malicki - Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2023 - Elsevier
Geosynthetics are commonly used in many civil engineering applications. At the same time,
intensive development of these materials is being carried out. Therefore, it becomes more …

A quasi-2D exploration of optimum design settings for geotextile-reinforced sand in assistance with PIV analysis of failure mechanism

B Ates, E Sadoglu - Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2023 - Elsevier
Many earlier studies were focused on testing different types of geosynthetics to investigate
effect of reinforcement on bearing capacity, but the effect of tensile strength on the failure …

Effects of transverse members on geogrid pullout behavior considering rigid and flexible top boundaries

Z Wang, Q **a, G Yang, W Zhang, G Zhang - Geotextiles and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Geogrid pullout tests have been regarded as the most direct and effective way to describe
the interfacial behavior between geogrid and soil. To investigate the coupled effects of …

DIC assessment of foundation soil response for different reinforcement between base and soft subgrade layer–physical modeling

M Kapor, A Skejić, S Medić, A Balić - Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents insights from small-scale model tests on statically loaded strip footing
on dense base sand supported by a single reinforcement layer. The selected reinforcement …

Evaluation of Soil–Geometrically Modified Geogrid Interaction in Direct Shear Mode

MR Abdi, A Tabarsa, P Haghgouy - International Journal of Geosynthetics …, 2023 - Springer
Geogrids are widely used for soil reinforcement, justifying the necessity to comprehend their
interaction with soil for safe and economic design of reinforced soil structures. As …

Interaction between biaxial geogrid and solid waste materials: laboratory study and artificial neural network model development

S Sarkar, S Prakash, A Hegde - International Journal of Geosynthetics and …, 2023 - Springer
The growing industrialism has led to the generation of unmanageable waste, which is
usually dumped in landfills. Utilizing these materials in reinforced earth structures will not …