Smart homes: Potentials and challenges

R El-Azab - Clean Energy, 2021 -
Decentralized distributed clean-energy sources have become an essential need for smart
grids to reduce the harmful effects of conventional power plants. Smart homes with a …

[PDF][PDF] Smart Home Area Networks Protocols within the Smart Grid Context.

A Hafeez, NH Kandil, B Al-Omar, T Landolsi, AR Al-Ali - J. Commun., 2014 -
The Internet of things (IoT) applications are becoming one of the emerging smart grid
enabling technologies. Smart home appliances are one the beneficiary of such applications …

Assessment of communication technologies for a home energy management system

D Bian, M Kuzlu, M Pipattanasomporn, S Rahman - ISGT 2014, 2014 -
Design of an effective home energy management (HEM) system requires selection of an
appropriate communication technology. The objective of this paper is to compare commonly …

Smart Grid in Bangladesh power distribution system: Progress & prospects

T Jamal, W Ongsakul - 2012 Students Conference on …, 2012 -
“Smart Grid” is a modern concept which refers to the conversion of the mainstream or typical
electric power grid to a modern power grid. This new conversion is a foreseeable solution to …

ZigBee based small-world home area networking for decentralized monitoring and control of smart appliances

R Das, JN Bera - 2021 5th International Conference on Smart …, 2021 -
This paper deals with the unique development of decentralized monitoring and control of
smart electric appliances using ZigBee mesh topology for home area networking (HAN). All …

[PDF][PDF] Development of smart grid in Bangladesh: Challenges and opportunities

T Jamal, W Ongsakul, MSH Lipu… - Proceedings of the 5th …, 2012 -
ABSTRACT “Smart Grid” is a novel concept which refers to the transformation of the
conventional electric power grid to a modern grid. This new concept is an inevitable soultion …

An expert-based approach for demand curtailment allocation subject to communications and cyber security limitations

D Bian - 2017 -
A smart grid is different from a traditional power system in that it allows incorporation of
intelligent features and functions, eg, meter reading, adaptive demand response, integration …

Dynamic spectrum allocation for smart meter networks and WSNs in the presence of household consumer networks

GP Hancke, CF Mbuya - 2014 IEEE 23rd International …, 2014 -
The spectrum used by wireless sensor networks and smart metering networks is becoming
increasingly crowded due to the increasing deployment of IEEE 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth …

[PDF][PDF] Security quality requirements engineering (square) method evaluation: A case study using smart grid customer domain

N Zafar - 2011 -
This research is a step towards systematically evaluating security requirements engineering
methods and introducing the concept of formal security requirements engineering methods …

Integrated multimedia and sensor data management in heterogeneous home networks: a concept proposal

S Spinsante, E Gambi - Journal of Communications Software and …, 2010 -
Sažetak Home Area Networks designed for the delivery of both multimedia contents (eg TV
programs, movies, music) and home automation services (eg household appliances …