[PDF][PDF] Temporal and spatial analysis of population ageing and growing younger in Slovakia

M KÁČEROVÁ, J MLÁDEK, D KUSENDOVÁ - Folia Geographica, 2022 - unipo.sk
Population ageing is one of the fundamental features of current population development,
with an evidently irreversible future impact. The intensity and importance of this process is …

[KNIHA][B] " V hlave tridsať, v krížoch sto". Starnutie v autobiografiách v Bratislave a Viedni.

Ľ Voľanská - 2016 - ceeol.com
Európa šedivie. Staroba a starnutie sa tak stále častejšie stávajú predmetom mediálneho,
sociálno-politického i výskumníckeho záujmu. Subjektívne prežívanie tejto životnej etapy i …

[PDF][PDF] A spatiotemporal analysis of ageing trends in Slovakia and their societal implications.

D Hübelová, K Piscová, BEC Manea, J Caha… - …, 2024 - intapi.sciendo.com
This study examines the changing age structure in Slovakia and ageing process, analyzing
district-level data from 2001, 2010, and 2020. The research highlights significant ageing …

[PDF][PDF] „Starneme pri tom, že stále niečo robíme...“Dôchodok ako voľný čas

Ľ Voľanská - Národopisná revue, 2018 - researchgate.net
Third World War be a war between generations rather than states?(Walker 1996: 2). Rok
predtým priniesol podobnú tému v titulnom článku nemecký časopis Der Spiegel (Schöps …

[PDF][PDF] Priateľské sídlisko alebo o dôležitosti prostredia pre zdravú komunitu seniorov

A Rochovská, J Majo, M Káčerová… - Geographia …, 2017 - researchgate.net
The aim of the paper is to analyse the relationship between the physical environment of the
Bratislava-Dúbravka neighbourhood and the seniors. We attempt to identify the aging …

[PDF][PDF] Demografické trendy na Slovensku av Rakúsku

M Čiefová, L Raneta - Economic, Political and Legal Issues of …, 2017 - fmv.euba.sk
Population ageing belongs predominantly among developed economies to current
demographical trends. The topic of this paper is contemporary population development in …

Changes in Demographic Behaviour: Possible Use of Its Findings in Didactic Practice

J Mládek, M Káčerová, D Popjaková… - Current Topics in Czech …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Changes of demographic behaviour have received a lot of attention from several
scientific disciplines, and they are also a strong focus of social practices. Since the 1970s of …

[PDF][PDF] Adaptácia populácie študentov na UPJŠ v Košiciach v kontexte demografic-kých zmien na Slovensku

Z JUTKOVÁ - uge-share.science.upjs.sk
Adaptation of the Student Population at UPJŠ in Kosice in the Context of Demographic
Changes in Slovakia This article explores the adaptation of the student population at Pavol …


L Vol'anská, M Káčerová, J Majo - Slovensky Narodopis, 2019 - search.proquest.com
Abstract In the Mannheimian tradition (Mannheim, 1952) generations can be understood as
large social groups that as subjects were formed both by a significant social event and by a …