[PDF][PDF] Temporal and spatial analysis of population ageing and growing younger in Slovakia
Population ageing is one of the fundamental features of current population development,
with an evidently irreversible future impact. The intensity and importance of this process is …
with an evidently irreversible future impact. The intensity and importance of this process is …
[KNIHA][B] " V hlave tridsať, v krížoch sto". Starnutie v autobiografiách v Bratislave a Viedni.
Ľ Voľanská - 2016 - ceeol.com
Európa šedivie. Staroba a starnutie sa tak stále častejšie stávajú predmetom mediálneho,
sociálno-politického i výskumníckeho záujmu. Subjektívne prežívanie tejto životnej etapy i …
sociálno-politického i výskumníckeho záujmu. Subjektívne prežívanie tejto životnej etapy i …
[PDF][PDF] A spatiotemporal analysis of ageing trends in Slovakia and their societal implications.
D Hübelová, K Piscová, BEC Manea, J Caha… - …, 2024 - intapi.sciendo.com
This study examines the changing age structure in Slovakia and ageing process, analyzing
district-level data from 2001, 2010, and 2020. The research highlights significant ageing …
district-level data from 2001, 2010, and 2020. The research highlights significant ageing …
[PDF][PDF] „Starneme pri tom, že stále niečo robíme...“Dôchodok ako voľný čas
Ľ Voľanská - Národopisná revue, 2018 - researchgate.net
Third World War be a war between generations rather than states?(Walker 1996: 2). Rok
predtým priniesol podobnú tému v titulnom článku nemecký časopis Der Spiegel (Schöps …
predtým priniesol podobnú tému v titulnom článku nemecký časopis Der Spiegel (Schöps …
[PDF][PDF] Priateľské sídlisko alebo o dôležitosti prostredia pre zdravú komunitu seniorov
The aim of the paper is to analyse the relationship between the physical environment of the
Bratislava-Dúbravka neighbourhood and the seniors. We attempt to identify the aging …
Bratislava-Dúbravka neighbourhood and the seniors. We attempt to identify the aging …
[PDF][PDF] Demografické trendy na Slovensku av Rakúsku
M Čiefová, L Raneta - Economic, Political and Legal Issues of …, 2017 - fmv.euba.sk
Population ageing belongs predominantly among developed economies to current
demographical trends. The topic of this paper is contemporary population development in …
demographical trends. The topic of this paper is contemporary population development in …
Changes in Demographic Behaviour: Possible Use of Its Findings in Didactic Practice
Abstract Changes of demographic behaviour have received a lot of attention from several
scientific disciplines, and they are also a strong focus of social practices. Since the 1970s of …
scientific disciplines, and they are also a strong focus of social practices. Since the 1970s of …
[PDF][PDF] Adaptácia populácie študentov na UPJŠ v Košiciach v kontexte demografic-kých zmien na Slovensku
Z JUTKOVÁ - uge-share.science.upjs.sk
Adaptation of the Student Population at UPJŠ in Kosice in the Context of Demographic
Changes in Slovakia This article explores the adaptation of the student population at Pavol …
Changes in Slovakia This article explores the adaptation of the student population at Pavol …
L Vol'anská, M Káčerová, J Majo - Slovensky Narodopis, 2019 - search.proquest.com
Abstract In the Mannheimian tradition (Mannheim, 1952) generations can be understood as
large social groups that as subjects were formed both by a significant social event and by a …
large social groups that as subjects were formed both by a significant social event and by a …