Leaf litter species affects decomposition rate and nutrient release in a cocoa plantation

SH Bai, M Gallart, K Singh, G Hannet… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2022 - Elsevier
Mineral nutrient fluxes derived from litterfall are key components of nutrient biogeochemical
cycles in both natural and agroforesty systems. Cocoa production systems are generally …

The role of rhizosphere microbes as phosphate solubilizing bio fertilizers in shallot: a review

AE Marpaung, DN Susilowati, GA Sopha… - … Series: Earth and …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Crops need nutrients to grow, develop, and produce yields, both in macro and
micronutrients form. One of the essential macronutrients is phosphorus (P). Phosphorus is …

Soil fertility constraints and management to increase crop yields in the dryland farming systems of Aceh, Indonesia

MK McLeod, S Sufardi, S Harden - Soil Research, 2020 - CSIRO Publishing
In Aceh, Indonesia, low dryland crop yields entrench rural poverty. The lack of soil fertility
information hinders the development of soil management programs to assist farmers to …

[HTML][HTML] Characteristics of Andisols developed from andesitic and basaltic volcanic ash in different agro-climatic zones

M Arifin, R Devnita, M Anda, DH Goenadi, A Nugraha - Soil Systems, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study aimed to identify the characteristics of Andisols under tea plantations affected by
different Oldeman's agro-climatic zones, of different ages, and containing different types of …

Phosphate solubilization agents in increasing potatoes production on andisol sinabung area.

M Sembiring, D Elfiati, ES Sutarta, T Sabrina - 2017 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Abstract Background and Objective: Andisols has relatively low phosphorus availability due
to its adsorption by allophane. Microbial phosphate solubilization and organic matter are …

Total and Extractable Micronutrients in Tropical Acid Soils of Lampung, Indonesia

S Supriatin, AK Salam - Communications in Soil Science and Plant …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The study aimed to determine the total and available amounts of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in the humid tropical acid soils of Lampung, Indonesia, and to …

[PDF][PDF] The mechanism of phosphate bacteria in increasing the solubility of phosphorus in Indonesian Andisols

- Tamad, A Maas, E Hanudin… - Journal of Water and Land …, 2021 - bibliotekanauki.pl
The purpose of this research was to determine: 1) phosphate bacteria (PB) mechanisms
responsible for enhancing the soil's soluble phosphorus (P), using the processes of …

Soil quality degradation under horticulture practices in volcanic slope soil, East Java–Indonesia

S Kurniawan, MP Agustina, RA Wiwaha… - … Series: Earth and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Volcanic slope soils in Indonesia may have degradation due to forest conversion to
intensive agriculture since more than three decades. This research aimed to assess soil …

Pengaruh abu vulkanik Gunung Sinabung dan batuan fosfat dalam bentuk nanopartikel terhadap retensi P, delta pH, dan kejenuhan basa pada Andisols Ciater, Jawa …

M Arifin, A Yuniarti, D Dahliani - Jurnal Agroekoteknologi, 2017 - jurnal.untirta.ac.id
Andisols is a soil that develops from pyroclastic materials of volcanic eruption with the high P-
Retention (85% or more). The aim of this research was to know the effect between the …

The effectiveness of Penicillium sp. mixed with silica nanoparticles in controlling Myzus persicae

H Hersanti, S Hidayat, A Susanto… - AIP conference …, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
Myzus persicae is one of the major potato plant pests, and also a vector of potato viruses.
This pest may cause low quality as well as quantity of potato production. Entomopathogenic …