Nano-scale wear: A review

HJ Kim, SS Yoo, DE Kim - International Journal of Precision Engineering …, 2012‏ - Springer
Wear is a phenomenon that is encountered in most mechanical systems with moving parts. It
is directly related to the life and reliability of the system, and hence, wear should be …

Revisiting the Cattaneo–Mindlin concept of interfacial slip in tangentially loaded compliant bodies

I Etsion - 2010‏ -
The Cattaneo–Mindlin concept of interfacial slip in tangentially loaded compliant bodies is
revisited and its basic simplifying assumptions are critically examined. It is shown that these …

Viscoelastic, mechanical, and dielectric measurements on complex samples with the quartz crystal microbalance

D Johannsmann - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2008‏ -
Piezoelectric resonators have been in use as mass-sensing devices for almost half a
century. More recently it was recognized that shifts in frequency and bandwidth can come …

Comparison of gradient elasticity models for the bending of micromaterials

C Liebold, WH Müller - Computational Materials Science, 2016‏ - Elsevier
In the context of static elasticity theory for isotropic materials and small deformations, two
continuum mechanical theories of higher order are considered. Thinking of generalized …

Fractional Euler–Bernoulli beams: Theory, numerical study and experimental validation

W Sumelka, T Blaszczyk, C Liebold - European Journal of Mechanics-A …, 2015‏ - Elsevier
In this paper the classical Euler–Bernoulli beam (CEBB) theory is reformulated utilising
fractional calculus. Such generalisation is called fractional Euler–Bernoulli beams (FEBB) …

Tribology of Si/SiO2 in Humid Air: Transition from Severe Chemical Wear to Wearless Behavior at Nanoscale

L Chen, H He, X Wang, SH Kim, L Qian - Langmuir, 2015‏ - ACS Publications
Wear at sliding interfaces of silicon is a main cause for material loss in nanomanufacturing
and device failure in microelectromechanical system (MEMS) applications. However, a …

Wear reduction via CNT coatings in electrical contacts subjected to fretting

B Alderete, F Mücklich, S Suarez - Tribology Letters, 2023‏ - Springer
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are of great interest to the research community due to their
outstanding mechanical, transport, and optical properties. These nanoparticles have also …

[PDF][PDF] Applications of strain gradient theories to the size effect in submicro-structures incl. experimental analysis of elastic material parameters

C Liebold, WH Müller - Bull. TICMI, 2015‏ -
Strain gradient theories of elasticity are used for the description of the so-called size effect:
Materials in (sub-) micro-structures show a stiffer elastic response, eg, during bending. A …

Nanofretting behaviors of monocrystalline silicon (1 0 0) against diamond tips in atmosphere and vacuum

JX Yu, LM Qian, BJ Yu, ZR Zhou - Wear, 2009‏ - Elsevier
With an atomic force microscopy, the tangential nanofretting behaviors of monocrystalline
silicon (100) were investigated by using spherical diamond tips under atmosphere and …

Investigation of fretting wear at the dimple/gimbal interface in a hard disk drive suspension

B Raeymaekers, S Helm, R Brunner, EB Fanslau… - Wear, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Fretting wear of the dimple/gimbal interface in a hard disk drive suspension is investigated.
The energy dissipated between the dimple and the gimbal spring is determined as a …