Video reenactment taking into account temporal information

MN Moustafa, AA Ewais, AA Ali - US Patent 11,854,579, 2023 - Google Patents
US11854579B2 - Video reenactment taking into account temporal information - Google
Patents US11854579B2 - Video reenactment taking into account temporal information …

Image reenactment with illumination disentanglement

MN Moustafa, AA Ewais, AA Ali - US Patent 11,836,905, 2023 - Google Patents
the present invention comprises apparati, methods, and computer readable media for
inserting identity information from a source image (1) into a destination image (2), while …

Face recognition network model with face alignment based on knowledge distillation

CH Chen, ST Chen - US Patent 11,847,821, 2023 - Google Patents
US11847821B2 - Face recognition network model with face alignment based on knowledge
distillation - Google Patents US11847821B2 - Face recognition network model with face …