Saving the hotel industry: Strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hotel selection analysis, and customer retention
This study investigates the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel selection attributes
and customer post-purchase behaviors. Qualitative and quantitative processes comprising …
and customer post-purchase behaviors. Qualitative and quantitative processes comprising …
Understanding guest satisfaction with urban hotel location
In this article, we unveil determinants of guest satisfaction with urban hotel locations and
disclose what types of locations are preferred by guests. Using data from 8,185 online …
disclose what types of locations are preferred by guests. Using data from 8,185 online …
Identifying emerging hotel preferences using emerging pattern mining technique
Hotel managers continue to find ways to understand traveler preferences, with the aim of
improving their strategic planning, marketing, and product development. Traveler preference …
improving their strategic planning, marketing, and product development. Traveler preference …
Understanding hotel location preference of customers: Comparing random utility and random regret decision rules
During hotel selection, tourists compare alternative hotels based on hotel characteristics and
process such information according to a specific decision rule. This study investigates …
process such information according to a specific decision rule. This study investigates …
Discovering the hotel selection preferences of Hong Kong inbound travelers using the Choquet Integral
Modeling MCDM requires the simultaneous consideration of multiple criteria but traditional
statistical techniques can only evaluate these factors independently. As such, it is vital for …
statistical techniques can only evaluate these factors independently. As such, it is vital for …
“LuXurY” hotel loyalty–a comparison of Chinese Gen X and Y tourists to Macau
FX Yang, VMC Lau - International Journal of Contemporary …, 2015 - emerald.com
Purpose;–This study aims to investigate generational disparities of Chinese Generation
(Gen) X and Y tourists by examining their loyalty determinants in a luxury hotel setting …
(Gen) X and Y tourists by examining their loyalty determinants in a luxury hotel setting …
Kids on board: Exploring the choice process and vacation needs of Asian parents with young children in resort hotels
Vacation needs and the family decision-making processes are well researched in tourism.
However, the role and influence of young children on parents' hotel choice remains sparsely …
However, the role and influence of young children on parents' hotel choice remains sparsely …
Why tourists choose Airbnb: A motivation-based segmentation study underpinned by innovation concepts
D Guttentag - 2016 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
Every night, hundreds of thousands of tourists choose not to stay in a traditional tourism
accommodation establishment, such as a hotel, and instead pay to stay in the residence of a …
accommodation establishment, such as a hotel, and instead pay to stay in the residence of a …
Hotel selection using a modified TOPSIS-based decision support algorithm
While many studies pointed out that travellers often consider a basket of factors when they
are selecting their accommodation, few online travel agency websites allow the travellers to …
are selecting their accommodation, few online travel agency websites allow the travellers to …
Spa market segmentation according to customer preference
Purpose–This paper aims to segment spa customers based on their preferences for a set of
spa attributes. With the considerable growth rate of the spa market, it is vital for spa …
spa attributes. With the considerable growth rate of the spa market, it is vital for spa …