Saving the hotel industry: Strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hotel selection analysis, and customer retention

JJ Kim, H Han - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2022 - Elsevier
This study investigates the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel selection attributes
and customer post-purchase behaviors. Qualitative and quantitative processes comprising …

Understanding guest satisfaction with urban hotel location

Y Yang, Z Mao, J Tang - Journal of Travel Research, 2018 -
In this article, we unveil determinants of guest satisfaction with urban hotel locations and
disclose what types of locations are preferred by guests. Using data from 8,185 online …

Identifying emerging hotel preferences using emerging pattern mining technique

G Li, R Law, HQ Vu, J Rong, XR Zhao - Tourism management, 2015 - Elsevier
Hotel managers continue to find ways to understand traveler preferences, with the aim of
improving their strategic planning, marketing, and product development. Traveler preference …

Understanding hotel location preference of customers: Comparing random utility and random regret decision rules

L Masiero, Y Yang, RTR Qiu - Tourism Management, 2019 - Elsevier
During hotel selection, tourists compare alternative hotels based on hotel characteristics and
process such information according to a specific decision rule. This study investigates …

Discovering the hotel selection preferences of Hong Kong inbound travelers using the Choquet Integral

G Li, R Law, HQ Vu, J Rong - Tourism Management, 2013 - Elsevier
Modeling MCDM requires the simultaneous consideration of multiple criteria but traditional
statistical techniques can only evaluate these factors independently. As such, it is vital for …

“LuXurY” hotel loyalty–a comparison of Chinese Gen X and Y tourists to Macau

FX Yang, VMC Lau - International Journal of Contemporary …, 2015 -
Purpose;–This study aims to investigate generational disparities of Chinese Generation
(Gen) X and Y tourists by examining their loyalty determinants in a luxury hotel setting …

Kids on board: Exploring the choice process and vacation needs of Asian parents with young children in resort hotels

C Khoo-Lattimore, G Prayag… - Journal of Hospitality …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Vacation needs and the family decision-making processes are well researched in tourism.
However, the role and influence of young children on parents' hotel choice remains sparsely …

Why tourists choose Airbnb: A motivation-based segmentation study underpinned by innovation concepts

D Guttentag - 2016 -
Every night, hundreds of thousands of tourists choose not to stay in a traditional tourism
accommodation establishment, such as a hotel, and instead pay to stay in the residence of a …

Hotel selection using a modified TOPSIS-based decision support algorithm

PK Kwok, HYK Lau - Decision Support Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
While many studies pointed out that travellers often consider a basket of factors when they
are selecting their accommodation, few online travel agency websites allow the travellers to …

Spa market segmentation according to customer preference

B Denizci Guillet, D Kucukusta - International Journal of …, 2016 -
Purpose–This paper aims to segment spa customers based on their preferences for a set of
spa attributes. With the considerable growth rate of the spa market, it is vital for spa …