An Active Site Tyr Residue Guides the Regioselectivity of Lysine Hydroxylation by Nonheme Iron Lysine-4-hydroxylase Enzymes through Proton-Coupled Electron …
Y Cao, S Hay, SP de Visser - Journal of the American Chemical …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Lysine dioxygenase (KDO) is an important enzyme in human physiology involved in
bioprocesses that trigger collagen cross-linking and blood pressure control. There are …
bioprocesses that trigger collagen cross-linking and blood pressure control. There are …
Tutorial Review on the Set‐Up and Running of Quantum Mechanical Cluster Models for Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms
Enzymes turnover substrates into products with amazing efficiency and selectivity and as
such have great potential for use in biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications …
such have great potential for use in biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications …
How Does the Nonheme Iron Enzyme NapI React through l-Arginine Desaturation Rather Than Hydroxylation? A Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Study
The naphthyridinomycin biosynthesis enzyme NapI selectively performs the desaturation of
a free l-arginine amino acid at the C4–C5 bond as part of its antibiotic biosynthesis reaction …
a free l-arginine amino acid at the C4–C5 bond as part of its antibiotic biosynthesis reaction …
Catalytic divergencies in the mechanism of L-arginine hydroxylating nonheme iron enzymes
HS Ali, SP de Visser - Frontiers in Chemistry, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Many enzymes in nature utilize a free arginine (L-Arg) amino acid to initiate the biosynthesis
of natural products. Examples include nitric oxide synthases, which generate NO from L-Arg …
of natural products. Examples include nitric oxide synthases, which generate NO from L-Arg …
Conformational isomerization of the Fe (III)–OH species enables selective halogenation in carrier-protein-independent halogenase BesD and hydroxylase-evolved …
Despite extensive studies, how carrier-protein-independent BesD dictates the reaction
toward thermodynamically unfavored halogenation is still elusive. Here, we investigated the …
toward thermodynamically unfavored halogenation is still elusive. Here, we investigated the …
An iron (II)-based metalloradical system for intramolecular amination of C (sp 2)–H and C (sp 3)–H bonds: synthetic applications and mechanistic studies
A catalytic system for intramolecular C (sp2)–H and C (sp3)–H amination of substituted
tetrazolopyridines has been successfully developed. The amination reactions are developed …
tetrazolopyridines has been successfully developed. The amination reactions are developed …
The unique role of the second coordination sphere to unlock and control catalysis in nonheme Fe (II)/2-oxoglutarate histone demethylase KDM2A
MG Thomas, SB Jaber Sathik Rifayee… - Inorganic …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Nonheme Fe (II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG)-dependent histone lysine demethylases 2A
(KDM2A) catalyze the demethylation of the mono-or dimethylated lysine 36 residue in the …
(KDM2A) catalyze the demethylation of the mono-or dimethylated lysine 36 residue in the …
Computational Exploration of Enzyme Promiscuity: Mechanisms of O2 and NO Reduction Activities of the Desulfovibrio gigas Flavodiiron Protein
Flavodiiron proteins possess reductive scavenging properties toward dioxygen and/or nitric
oxide in various microorganisms. Among them, the Desulfovibrio gigas flavodiiron protein …
oxide in various microorganisms. Among them, the Desulfovibrio gigas flavodiiron protein …
Computational study into the oxidative ring‐closure mechanism during the biosynthesis of deoxypodophyllotoxin
The nonheme iron dioxygenase deoxypodophyllotoxin synthase performs an oxidative ring‐
closure reaction as part of natural product synthesis in plants. How the enzyme enables the …
closure reaction as part of natural product synthesis in plants. How the enzyme enables the …
Steric perturbation of the Grob-like final step of ethylene-forming enzyme enables 3-hydroxypropionate and propylene production
Ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE) is an iron (II)-dependent dioxygenase that fragments 2-
oxoglutarate (2OG) to ethylene (from C3 and C4) and 3 equivs of carbon dioxide (from C1 …
oxoglutarate (2OG) to ethylene (from C3 and C4) and 3 equivs of carbon dioxide (from C1 …