On the affective threshold of power and privilege

J Rattray - Higher Education, 2024 - Springer
Higher education is facing increasing calls to engage in a process of intellectual
decolonisation. This process necessitates that we take time to consider both the content of …

[PDF][PDF] Self-Efficacy and Digital Anxiety and their Influence on Virtual Educational Performance: A Diagnostic Study in a Sample of Students from a Private University in …

I Iraola-Real, C Vasquez, I Diaz-Leon… - … Journal of Emerging …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Digital self-efficacy is the personal confidence to use technology tools efficiently. Digital self-
efficacy reduces anxiety and increases student performance. For these reasons, the present …

The implications of Covid-19 for fostering diversity and inclusion through curriculum transformation: teaching open and distance e-learning students

D Van Heerden, L Goosen - Fostering Diversity and Inclusion …, 2023 - igi-global.com
The purpose of this chapter is to provide research on issues from a curriculum
transformation perspective regarding teaching information and communication technology …

Towards a sensitive multicultural curriculum: the role of community indigenous knowledge in develo** an integrated grade 12 life science curriculum In South Africa

N Lefora, A Masinire, P Hendricks - EDULEARN24 Proceedings, 2024 - library.iated.org
A multicultural educational experience must accommodate multiple knowledges in its
curriculum. Thirty decades after the establishment of a democratic nation, one would expect …

Uso del Simulador PHET para la Enseñanza–Aprendizaje de una Competencia Matemática en Educación Primaria

R Zuñiga-Quispe, Y Cacha-Nuñez… - Revista Ibérica de …, 2023 - search.proquest.com
The objective of this research is to determine the effects of Virtual Simulation PhET on the
development and reinforcement of Mathematics competencies, especially focusing on one …

¿ Educar con Recursos Tecnológicos? Se Puede Intentar: Un Estudio de Caso de Madres y una Docente de Educación Inicial en Puno-Perú

I Iraola-Real… - Revista Ibérica de …, 2023 - search.proquest.com
During the pandemic, many towns and institutions faced difficulties in implementing virtual
education; however, despite the lack of technological resources, the teachers and mothers …

El Uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación y el Tecnoestrés: Un estudio correlacional en Docentes de Educación Primaria

Y Espíritu-Romero, I Iraola-Real - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas …, 2023 - search.proquest.com
Two questionnaires (ICT use and technostress scale) were developed and applied to collect
the information; In addition, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program was …

[CARTE][B] The Parental Role in Supporting Learners With Barriers to Learning in a Secondary School

ZT Fakude - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The parental role in secondary schools is pivotal to support learners with barriers to learning
to enhance their academic performance. The aim of the study was to explore the parental …

Rural School Principals and Teachers' Perception of the Contribution of Parental Involvement in Learner Performance

M Njiva - 2024 - search.proquest.com
There is a need to enhance parental involvement in rural primary schools in South Africa.
There is evidence in the literature that parental involvement in the learning process of …

Invited Peer Commentary: Research Site Anonymity in Context

S Singh, P Engel-Hills - Journal of Empirical Research on …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The authors of the paper, Research site anonymity in context (Nduna et al., 2022) set out to
utilize critical theory “to interrogate and problematize the practice of anonymizing research …