Energy cane: its concept, development, characteristics, and prospects
Unlike conventional sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) energy cane is a cane selected to have
more fiber than sucrose in its composition. This is obtained simply by altering the genetic …
more fiber than sucrose in its composition. This is obtained simply by altering the genetic …
Current perspectives on the regulatory mechanisms of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane
Sugars transported from leaves (source) to stems (sink) energize cell growth, elongation,
and maintenance. which are regulated by a variety of genes. This review reflects progress …
and maintenance. which are regulated by a variety of genes. This review reflects progress …
The sorghum SWEET gene family: stem sucrose accumulation as revealed through transcriptome profiling
H Mizuno, S Kasuga, H Kawahigashi - Biotechnology for biofuels, 2016 - Springer
Background SWEET is a newly identified family of sugar transporters. Although SWEET
transporters have been characterized by using Arabidopsis and rice, very little knowledge of …
transporters have been characterized by using Arabidopsis and rice, very little knowledge of …
Improving C4 photosynthesis to increase productivity under optimal and suboptimal conditions
Although improving photosynthetic efficiency is widely recognized as an underutilized
strategy to increase crop yields, research in this area is strongly biased towards species with …
strategy to increase crop yields, research in this area is strongly biased towards species with …
[HTML][HTML] Sugarcane omics: an update on the current status of research and crop improvement
Sugarcane is an important crop from Poaceae family, contributing about 80% of the total
world's sucrose with an annual value of around US $150 billion. In addition, sugarcane is …
world's sucrose with an annual value of around US $150 billion. In addition, sugarcane is …
Engineering of bioenergy crops: dominant genetic approaches to improve polysaccharide properties and composition in biomass
Large-scale, sustainable production of lignocellulosic bioenergy from biomass will depend
on a variety of dedicated bioenergy crops. Despite their great genetic diversity, prospective …
on a variety of dedicated bioenergy crops. Despite their great genetic diversity, prospective …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding Sentinel-1 backscatter response to sugarcane yield variability and waterlogging
Sentinel-1 observes the whole globe every 12 days (6 days when both satellites were
operational) and provides a wealth of data relevant to agriculture. Sugarcane cultivators …
operational) and provides a wealth of data relevant to agriculture. Sugarcane cultivators …
Soil and foliar Si fertilization alters elemental stoichiometry and increases yield of sugarcane cultivars
AF Dutra, MRL Leite, CCF Melo, DS Amaral… - Scientific Reports, 2023 -
Silicon (Si) fertilization is widely recognized to improve the development of crops, especially
in tropical soils and cultivation under dryland management. Herein, our working hypothesis …
in tropical soils and cultivation under dryland management. Herein, our working hypothesis …
[HTML][HTML] Sucrose metabolism and transport in grapevines, with emphasis on berries and leaves, and insights gained from a cross-species comparison
In grapevines, as in other plants, sucrose and its constituents glucose and fructose are
fundamentally important and carry out a multitude of roles. The aims of this review are three …
fundamentally important and carry out a multitude of roles. The aims of this review are three …
Exogenous GABA promotes adaptation and growth by altering the carbon and nitrogen metabolic flux in poplar seedlings under low nitrogen conditions
Nitrogen (N) deficiency adversely affects tree growth. Additionally, γ-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) is closely associated with growth and stress responses because of its effects on …
(GABA) is closely associated with growth and stress responses because of its effects on …