LiABlock_3D: a software tool for collapse mechanism analysis of historic masonry structures
ABSTRACT A rigid block model is proposed for collapse mechanism analysis of three-
dimensional historic masonry structures subjected to point live loads, seismic-induced …
dimensional historic masonry structures subjected to point live loads, seismic-induced …
Coupled three-dimensional analysis of the progressive tunnelling-induced damage to masonry buildings: is it always worth it?
The development of urban mobility implies the construction of tunnels, often interacting with
valuable masonry structures. It is thus necessary to develop rational and reliable procedures …
valuable masonry structures. It is thus necessary to develop rational and reliable procedures …
Nonlinear modelling of the seismic response of masonry structures: calibration strategies
AM D'Altri, F Cannizzaro, M Petracca… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2022 - Springer
In this paper, a simple and practitioners-friendly calibration strategy to consistently link target
panel-scale mechanical properties (that can be found in national standards) to model …
panel-scale mechanical properties (that can be found in national standards) to model …
[HTML][HTML] Crack detection in images of masonry using cnns
While there is a significant body of research on crack detection by computer vision methods
in concrete and asphalt, less attention has been given to masonry. We train a convolutional …
in concrete and asphalt, less attention has been given to masonry. We train a convolutional …
[HTML][HTML] Non-proportional loading in sequentially linear solution procedures for quasi-brittle fracture: A comparison and perspective on the mechanism of stress …
Sequentially linear solution procedures provide a robust alternative to their traditional
incremental-iterative counterparts for finite element simulation of quasi-brittle materials …
incremental-iterative counterparts for finite element simulation of quasi-brittle materials …
Large displacement analysis of dry-jointed masonry structures subjected to settlements using rigid block modelling
F Portioli, L Cascini - Engineering Structures, 2017 - Elsevier
A discrete element model is proposed for large displacement static analysis of dry-jointed
masonry structures subjected to foundation settlements. The numerical model is a two …
masonry structures subjected to foundation settlements. The numerical model is a two …
[HTML][HTML] Interaction between surface structures and tunnelling in sand: Centrifuge and computational modelling
Tunnelling in urban areas requires a careful estimation of the consequence of soil
settlements on existing buildings. In this paper the interaction between the excavation of a …
settlements on existing buildings. In this paper the interaction between the excavation of a …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring seismic fragility and strengthening of masonry built heritage in Lisbon (Portugal) via the Applied Element Method
Although mainland Portugal has been spared from large magnitude earthquakes in recent
years, it faces a threat due to the presence of several active fault systems. In such a …
years, it faces a threat due to the presence of several active fault systems. In such a …
Finite-element modelling for the assessment of tunnel-induced damage to a masonry building
The likely severity and extent of cracking damage in existing masonry buildings caused by
shallow tunnelling in urban areas is typically assessed in practice using a phased sequence …
shallow tunnelling in urban areas is typically assessed in practice using a phased sequence …
[HTML][HTML] Optimising synthetic datasets for machine learning-based prediction of building damage due to tunnelling
Assessment of tunnelling-induced building damage is a complex Soil-Structure Interaction
(SSI) probelm, influenced by numerous geometric and material parameters of both the soil …
(SSI) probelm, influenced by numerous geometric and material parameters of both the soil …