Polar stratospheric clouds: Satellite observations, processes, and role in ozone depletion
I Tritscher, MC Pitts, LR Poole… - Reviews of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) play important roles in stratospheric ozone depletion
during winter and spring at high latitudes (eg, the Antarctic ozone hole). PSC particles …
during winter and spring at high latitudes (eg, the Antarctic ozone hole). PSC particles …
Atmospheric aerosols: composition, transformation, climate and health effects
U Pöschl - Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Aerosols are of central importance for atmospheric chemistry and physics, the biosphere,
climate, and public health. The airborne solid and liquid particles in the nanometer to …
climate, and public health. The airborne solid and liquid particles in the nanometer to …
Impact of uncertainties in atmospheric mixing on simulated UTLS composition and related radiative effects
The upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) region plays an important role in the
climate system. Changes in the structure and chemical composition of this region result in …
climate system. Changes in the structure and chemical composition of this region result in …
ML-CIRRUS: The airborne experiment on natural cirrus and contrail cirrus with the high-altitude long-range research aircraft HALO
Abstract The Midlatitude Cirrus experiment (ML-CIRRUS) deployed the High Altitude and
Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) to obtain new insights into nucleation, life cycle, and …
Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) to obtain new insights into nucleation, life cycle, and …
Nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) formation at low NAT supersaturation in polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs)
C Voigt, H Schlager, BP Luo… - Atmospheric …, 2005 - acp.copernicus.org
A PSC was detected on 6 February 2003 in the Arctic stratosphere by in-situ measurements
onboard the high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica. Low number densities (~ 10-4 cm-3) …
onboard the high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica. Low number densities (~ 10-4 cm-3) …
Polar stratospheric cloud microphysics and chemistry
The solid and liquid particles which constitute polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) are of
manifold importance to the meteorology of the stratosphere. The heterogeneous reactions …
manifold importance to the meteorology of the stratosphere. The heterogeneous reactions …
A stratospheric climatology for O3, H2O, CH4, NOx, HCl and HF derived from HALOE measurements
JU Grooß, JM Russell III - Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2005 - acp.copernicus.org
The Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) on board the Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite (UARS) has observed mixing ratios of important trace species in the stratosphere …
Satellite (UARS) has observed mixing ratios of important trace species in the stratosphere …
A study of stratospheric chlorine partitioning based on new satellite measurements and modeling
Two recent satellite instruments, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on Aura and the
Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE‐FTS) on SCISAT …
Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE‐FTS) on SCISAT …
Contribution of mixing to upward transport across the tropical tropopause layer (TTL)
P Konopka, G Günther, R Müller… - Atmospheric …, 2007 - acp.copernicus.org
During the second part of the TROCCINOX campaign that took place in Brazil in early 2005,
chemical species were measured on-board the high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica …
chemical species were measured on-board the high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica …
Tropical troposphere to stratosphere transport of carbon monoxide and long-lived trace species in the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS)
R Pommrich, R Müller, JU Grooß… - Geoscientific Model …, 2014 - gmd.copernicus.org
Variations in the mixing ratio of trace gases of tropospheric origin entering the stratosphere
in the tropics are of interest for assessing both troposphere to stratosphere transport fluxes in …
in the tropics are of interest for assessing both troposphere to stratosphere transport fluxes in …