Genetic correlates of phenotypic heterogeneity in autism
The substantial phenotypic heterogeneity in autism limits our understanding of its genetic
etiology. To address this gap, here we investigated genetic differences between autistic …
etiology. To address this gap, here we investigated genetic differences between autistic …
Developmental coordination disorder is more than a motor problem: Children describe the impact of daily struggles on their quality of life
JG Zwicker, M Suto, SR Harris… - British journal of …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Introduction Affecting 5–6% of children, developmental coordination disorder is a
neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by poor motor coordination and difficulty …
neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by poor motor coordination and difficulty …
An investigation of the impact of regular use of the W ii F it to improve motor and psychosocial outcomes in children with movement difficulties: a pilot study
J Hammond, V Jones, EL Hill… - Child: care, health and …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Background Children with D evelopmental C o‐ordination D isorder (DCD) experience poor
motor and psychosocial outcomes. Interventions are often limited within the healthcare …
motor and psychosocial outcomes. Interventions are often limited within the healthcare …
Combined action observation and motor imagery improves learning of activities of daily living in children with developmental coordination disorder
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is characterised by poor motor coordination,
which interferes with the ability to execute activities of daily living (ADLs). Combined action …
which interferes with the ability to execute activities of daily living (ADLs). Combined action …
The relationship between developmental coordination disorder and concurrent deficits in social communication and repetitive behaviors among children with autism …
LR Ketcheson, EA Pitchford, CF Wentz - Autism Research, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), characterized by core deficits in social
communication and restrictive behaviors, can exhibit concurrent motor incoordination and/or …
communication and restrictive behaviors, can exhibit concurrent motor incoordination and/or …
Developmental coordination disorder: a pilot diffusion tensor imaging study
Motor deficits associated with developmental coordination disorder are not attributable to
macrostructural brain abnormalities, but differences in brain microstructure may exist. Using …
macrostructural brain abnormalities, but differences in brain microstructure may exist. Using …
Determinants of developmental coordination disorder in 7‐year‐old children: a study of children in the D anish N ational B irth C ohort
R Faebo Larsen, L Hvas Mortensen… - … Medicine & Child …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The aim of this study was to investigate early life determinants of developmental
coordination disorder (DCD) in 7‐year‐old children. Method The study was based on data …
coordination disorder (DCD) in 7‐year‐old children. Method The study was based on data …
Clinical autism subscales have common genetic liabilities that are heritable, pleiotropic, and generalizable to the general population
The complexity of autism's phenotypic spectra is well-known, yet most genetic research uses
case-control status as the target trait. It is undetermined if autistic symptom domain severity …
case-control status as the target trait. It is undetermined if autistic symptom domain severity …
Supporting coordination of children with ASD using neurological music therapy: A pilot randomized control trial comparing an elastic touch-display with tambourines
FL Cibrian, M Madrigal, M Avelais, M Tentori - Research in developmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
Aim To evaluate the efficacy of Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) using a traditional and a
technological intervention (elastic touch-display) in improving the coordination of children …
technological intervention (elastic touch-display) in improving the coordination of children …
Combined action observation and motor imagery facilitates visuomotor adaptation in children with developmental coordination disorder
The internal modelling deficit (IMD) hypothesis suggests that motor control issues
associated with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) are the result of impaired …
associated with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) are the result of impaired …