A survey of formal methods in self-adaptive systems
One major challenge in self-adaptive systems is to assure the required quality properties.
Formal methods provide the means to rigorously specify and reason about the behaviors of …
Formal methods provide the means to rigorously specify and reason about the behaviors of …
Generative ai for self-adaptive systems: State of the art and research roadmap
Self-adaptive systems (SASs) are designed to handle changes and uncertainties through a
feedback loop with four core functionalities: monitoring, analyzing, planning, and execution …
feedback loop with four core functionalities: monitoring, analyzing, planning, and execution …
Software engineering of self-adaptive systems
D Weyns - Handbook of software engineering, 2019 - Springer
Modern software systems are expected to operate under uncertain conditions, without
interruption. Possible causes of uncertainties include changes in the operational …
interruption. Possible causes of uncertainties include changes in the operational …
Requirements elicitation: Towards the unknown unknowns
A Sutcliffe, P Sawyer - 2013 21st IEEE International …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Requirements elicitation research is reviewed using a framework categorising the
relativeknowness' of requirements specification and Common Ground discourse theory. The …
relativeknowness' of requirements specification and Common Ground discourse theory. The …
Using models at runtime to address assurance for self-adaptive systems
A self-adaptive software system modifies its behavior at runtime in response to changes
within the system or in its execution environment. The fulfillment of the system requirements …
within the system or in its execution environment. The fulfillment of the system requirements …
Systematic literature review of the objectives, techniques, kinds, and architectures of models at runtime
M Szvetits, U Zdun - Software & Systems Modeling, 2016 - Springer
In the context of software development, models provide an abstract representation of a
software system or a part of it. In the software development process, they are primarily used …
software system or a part of it. In the software development process, they are primarily used …
Software engineering meets control theory
The software engineering community has proposed numerous approaches for making
software self-adaptive. These approaches take inspiration from machine learning and …
software self-adaptive. These approaches take inspiration from machine learning and …
Towards a research agenda for understanding and managing uncertainty in self-adaptive systems
Despite considerable research efforts on handling uncertainty in self-adaptive systems, a
comprehensive understanding of the precise nature of uncertainty is still lacking. This paper …
comprehensive understanding of the precise nature of uncertainty is still lacking. This paper …
Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime
Security is primarily concerned with protecting assets from harm. Identifying and evaluating
assets are therefore key activities in any security engineering process-from modeling threats …
assets are therefore key activities in any security engineering process-from modeling threats …
Reasoning with contextual requirements: Detecting inconsistency and conflicts
CONTEXT: The environment in which the system operates, its context, is variable. The
autonomous ability of a software to adapt to context has to be planned since the …
autonomous ability of a software to adapt to context has to be planned since the …