Cat swarm optimization algorithm for optimal linear phase FIR filter design
In this paper a new meta-heuristic search method, called Cat Swarm Optimization (CSO)
algorithm is applied to determine the best optimal impulse response coefficients of FIR low …
algorithm is applied to determine the best optimal impulse response coefficients of FIR low …
Multi-innovation auto-constructed least squares identification for 4 DOF ship manoeuvring modelling with full-scale trial data
G Zhang, X Zhang, H Pang - ISA transactions, 2015 - Elsevier
This research is concerned with the problem of 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) ship
manoeuvring identification modelling with the full-scale trial data. To avoid the multi …
manoeuvring identification modelling with the full-scale trial data. To avoid the multi …
Modeling and Fabrication of a Multi-axial Piezoelectric Energy Harvester based on a Metamaterial-inspired Structure
Due to the limited availability and high depletion rates of nonrenewable energy sources as
well as environmental concerns, the scientific community is urged to explore and harness …
well as environmental concerns, the scientific community is urged to explore and harness …
Convergence of the recursive identification algorithms for multivariate pseudo‐linear regressive systems
X Wang, F Ding - International Journal of Adaptive Control and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The performance analysis of the recursive algorithms for the multivariate systems with an
autoregressive moving average noise process is still open. This paper analyzes the …
autoregressive moving average noise process is still open. This paper analyzes the …
Extended disturbance observer for nonlinear system with time‐varying disturbance gain
DH Kim, SB Choi - … Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
In control engineering, the disturbance is a major problem that deteriorates system
robustness. To address this problem, a disturbance observer (DOB) has been proposed and …
robustness. To address this problem, a disturbance observer (DOB) has been proposed and …
Robust tracking system design for a synchronous reluctance motor–SynRM based on a new modified bat optimization algorithm
D Igrec, A Chowdhury, B Štumberger, A Sarjaš - Applied Soft Computing, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper discusses optimal controller structure design for a Synchronous Reluctance
Motor (SynRM). Optimization of controller parameters is based on a new modified BAT …
Motor (SynRM). Optimization of controller parameters is based on a new modified BAT …
Multi-objective optimization framework for networked predictive controller design
Networked Control Systems (NCSs) often suffer from random packet dropouts which
deteriorate overall system's stability and performance. To handle the ill effects of random …
deteriorate overall system's stability and performance. To handle the ill effects of random …
Design of active disturbance rejection internal model control strategy for SISO system with time delay process
Q **, L Liu - Journal of Central South University, 2015 - Springer
A novel control scheme of active disturbance rejection internal model control (ADRIMC) is
proposed to improve the anti-interference ability and robustness for the dead-time process …
proposed to improve the anti-interference ability and robustness for the dead-time process …
An H∞ modified robust disturbance observer design for mechanical-positioning systems
A Sarjaš, R Svečko, A Chowdhury - International Journal of Control …, 2015 - Springer
This article presents a modified robust disturbance observer-RIC for a
mechanicalpositioning system. The proposed RIC structure ensures a higher level of …
mechanicalpositioning system. The proposed RIC structure ensures a higher level of …
Optimal robust motion controller design using multiobjective genetic algorithm
A Sarjaš, R Svečko… - The Scientific World …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper describes the use of a multiobjective genetic algorithm for robust motion
controller design. Motion controller structure is based on a disturbance observer in an RIC …
controller design. Motion controller structure is based on a disturbance observer in an RIC …