Notes for genera: Ascomycota

NN Wijayawardene, KD Hyde, KC Rajeshkumar… - Fungal diversity, 2017 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge of the relationships and thus the classification of fungi, has developed
rapidly with increasingly widespread use of molecular techniques, over the past 10–15 …

Bat flies and their microparasites: current knowledge and distribution

T Szentiványi, P Christe, O Glaizot - Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2019 -
Bats are the second most diverse mammalian group, playing keystone roles in ecosystems
but also act as reservoir hosts for numerous pathogens. Due to their colonial habits which …

Season and host-community composition inside roosts may affect host-specificity of bat flies

AD Sándor, A Corduneanu, S Hornok, AD Mihalca… - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
Bat flies are one of the most abundant ectoparasites of bats, showing remarkable
morphological adaptations to the parasitic habit, while the relationship with their hosts is …

Fungal systematics and evolution: FUSE 6

D Haelewaters, B Dima, AII Abdel-Hafiz… - 2020 -
Fungal Systematics and Evolution (FUSE) is one of the journal series to address the “fusion”
between morphological data and molecular phylogenetic data and to describe new fungal …

Eco-epidemiology of Novel Bartonella Genotypes from Parasitic Flies of Insectivorous Bats

AD Sándor, M Földvári, AI Krawczyk, H Sprong… - Microbial Ecology, 2018 - Springer
Bats are important zoonotic reservoirs for many pathogens worldwide. Although their highly
specialized ectoparasites, bat flies (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea), can transmit Bartonella …

Bats, bat flies, and fungi: a case of hyperparasitism

D Haelewaters, T Hiller, CW Dick - Trends in Parasitology, 2018 -
Bats are parasitized by numerous lineages of arthropods, of which bat flies (Diptera,
Nycteribiidae and Streblidae) are the most conspicuous. Bat flies themselves can be …

[HTML][HTML] Viral hyperparasitism in bat ectoparasites: Implications for pathogen maintenance and transmission

A Tendu, AC Hughes, N Berthet, G Wong - Microorganisms, 2022 -
Humans continue to encroach on the habitats of wild animals, potentially bringing different
species into contact that would not typically encounter each other under natural …

Interaction between Old World fruit bats and humans: From large scale ecosystem services to zoonotic diseases

RV Ramanantsalama, SM Goodman, M Dietrich… - Acta Tropica, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The Old World tropical and subtropical frugivorous bat genus Rousettus
(Pteropodidae) contains species with broad distributions, as well as those occurring in …

DarkCideS 1.0, a global database for bats in karsts and caves

KC Tanalgo, JAG Tabora, HFM de Oliveira… - Scientific Data, 2022 -
Understanding biodiversity patterns as well as drivers of population declines, and range
losses provides crucial baselines for monitoring and conservation. However, the information …

A tripartite survey of hyperparasitic fungi associated with ectoparasitic flies on bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in a neotropical cloud forest in Panama

MJ Walker, A Dorrestein, JJ Camacho, LA Meckler… - Parasite, 2018 -
The Darién province in eastern Panama is one of the most unexplored and biodiverse
regions in the world. The Chucantí Nature Reserve, in Serranía de Majé, consists of a …