Intraspecific phylogeography: the mitochondrial DNA bridge between population genetics and systematics

JC Avise, J Arnold, RM Ball, E Bermingham… - Annual review of …, 1987 - JSTOR
A recurring debate in evolutionary biology is over the extent to which microevolutionary
processes operating within species can be extrapolated to explain macroevolutionary …

Evolution of animal mitochondrial DNA: relevance for population biology and systematics

C Moritz, TE Dowling, WM Brown - Annual review of ecology and …, 1987 - JSTOR
In the past decade, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis has become es-tablished as a
powerful tool for evolutionary studies of animals. These studies, recently reviewed by Avise …

Shallow population histories in deep evolutionary lineages of marine fishes: insights from sardines and anchovies and lessons for conservation

WAS Grant, BW Bowen - Journal of heredity, 1998 -
Most surveys of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in marine fishes reveal low levels of sequence
divergence between haplotypes relative to the differentiation observed between sister taxa …

Sibling species in the sea

N Knowlton - Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1993 - JSTOR
Sibling species are common in all major marine groups and habitats. Their abundance
reflects both inadequate study of morphological features of living organisms (" pseudo …

Molecular genetics and the stock concept in fisheries

GR Carvalho, L Hauser - Reviews in fish biology and fisheries, 1994 - Springer
The concept of a sustainable yield (SY, Gulland, 1983; Lannan et aL, 1989) has dominated
fisheries management for almost 50 years. The central idea is that each stock has a …

Global phylogeography of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

PH Dutton, BW Bowen, DW Owens, A Barragan… - Journal of …, 1999 -
Analyses of mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region sequences from 175 leatherback turtles
Dermochelys coriacea from 10 nesting colonies revealed shallow phylogenetic structuring of …

Mitochondrial DNA differentiation in North Atlantic eels: population genetic consequences of an unusual life history pattern

JC Avise, GS Helfman, NC Saunders… - Proceedings of the …, 1986 -
A survey of restriction site polymorphism in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the American
eel Anguilla rostrata showed no genetic divergence among samples from a 4000-km stretch …

Global survey of mitochondrial DNA sequences in the threespine stickleback: evidence for recent migrations

G Orti, MA Bell, TE Reimchen, A Meyer - Evolution, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were used to assess the
matriarchal genetic structure of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. A 747 …

Modern human origins

FH Smith, AB Falsetti… - American journal of …, 1989 - Wiley Online Library
During the past decade or so, considerable new data pertinent to the origin of modern
humans have come to light. Based on these new data and reinterpretation of older …

Genetic structure of Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations of sea bass, menhaden, and sturgeon: influence of zoogeographic factors and life-history patterns

BW Bowen, JC Avise - Marine Biology, 1990 - Springer
To assess the influence of zoogeographic factors and life-history parameters (effective
population size, generation length, and dispersal) on the evolutionary genetic structure of …