Linear quadratic regulation and stabilization of discrete-time systems with delay and multiplicative noise
H Zhang, L Li, J Xu, M Fu - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2015 -
This paper is concerned with the long-standing problems of linear quadratic regulation
(LQR) control and stabilization for a class of discrete-time stochastic systems involving …
(LQR) control and stabilization for a class of discrete-time stochastic systems involving …
Stochastic optimal control and estimation methods adapted to the noise characteristics of the sensorimotor system
E Todorov - Neural computation, 2005 -
Optimality principles of biological movement are conceptually appealing and straightforward
to formulate. Testing them empirically, however, requires the solution to stochastic optimal …
to formulate. Testing them empirically, however, requires the solution to stochastic optimal …
Discrete-time indefinite LQ control with state and control dependent noises
This paper deals with the discrete-time stochastic LQ problem involving state and control
dependent noises, whereas the weighting matrices in the cost function are allowed to be …
dependent noises, whereas the weighting matrices in the cost function are allowed to be …
[KNIHA][B] Stochastic H2/H∞ control: A Nash game approach
The H∞ control has been one of the important robust control approaches since the 1980s.
This book extends the area to nonlinear stochastic H2/H∞ control, and studies more …
This book extends the area to nonlinear stochastic H2/H∞ control, and studies more …
Indefinite stochastic linear quadratic control and generalized differential Riccati equation
A stochastic linear quadratic (LQ) control problem is indefinite when the cost weighting
matrices for the state and the control are allowed to be indefinite. Indefinite stochastic LQ …
matrices for the state and the control are allowed to be indefinite. Indefinite stochastic LQ …
Iterative linearization methods for approximately optimal control and estimation of non-linear stochastic system
This paper presents an iterative Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian method for locally-optimal
control and estimation of non-linear stochastic systems. The new method constructs an …
control and estimation of non-linear stochastic systems. The new method constructs an …
Quadratic hedging and mean-variance portfolio selection with random parameters in an incomplete market
AEB Lim - Mathematics of Operations Research, 2004 -
This paper concerns the problems of quadratic hedging and pricing, and mean-variance
portfolio selection in an incomplete market setting with continuous trading, multiple assets …
portfolio selection in an incomplete market setting with continuous trading, multiple assets …
Stochastic consentability of linear systems with time delays and multiplicative noises
This paper develops stochastic consentability of linear multiagent systems with time delays
and multiplicative noises. First, the stochastic stability for stochastic differential delay …
and multiplicative noises. First, the stochastic stability for stochastic differential delay …
Optimal regulators for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems
B Gashi, H Hua - International Journal of Control, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
We consider a class of nonlinear stochastic systems with square-root nonlinearities
appearing in the diffusion terms. The optimal control problems with indefinite quadratic …
appearing in the diffusion terms. The optimal control problems with indefinite quadratic …
A leader-follower stochastic linear quadratic differential game with time delay
In this paper, we are concerned with the leader-follower stochastic differential game of Itô
type with time delay appearing in the leader's control. The open-loop solution is explicitly …
type with time delay appearing in the leader's control. The open-loop solution is explicitly …