Enhanced sampling with machine learning
Molecular dynamics (MD) enables the study of physical systems with excellent
spatiotemporal resolution but suffers from severe timescale limitations. To address this …
spatiotemporal resolution but suffers from severe timescale limitations. To address this …
Deep learning the slow modes for rare events sampling
The development of enhanced sampling methods has greatly extended the scope of
atomistic simulations, allowing long-time phenomena to be studied with accessible …
atomistic simulations, allowing long-time phenomena to be studied with accessible …
Artificial intelligence techniques for integrative structural biology of intrinsically disordered proteins
Highlights•Recent successes of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
techniques can be leveraged to obtain quantitative insights into how intrinsically disordered …
techniques can be leveraged to obtain quantitative insights into how intrinsically disordered …
A unified framework for machine learning collective variables for enhanced sampling simulations: mlcolvar
Identifying a reduced set of collective variables is critical for understanding atomistic
simulations and accelerating them through enhanced sampling techniques. Recently …
simulations and accelerating them through enhanced sampling techniques. Recently …
Deep learning collective variables from transition path ensemble
The study of the rare transitions that take place between long lived metastable states is a
major challenge in molecular dynamics simulations. Many of the methods suggested to …
major challenge in molecular dynamics simulations. Many of the methods suggested to …
Discovering reaction pathways, slow variables, and committor probabilities with machine learning
A significant challenge faced by atomistic simulations is the difficulty, and often impossibility,
to sample the transitions between metastable states of the free-energy landscape …
to sample the transitions between metastable states of the free-energy landscape …
Manifold learning in atomistic simulations: a conceptual review
Analyzing large volumes of high-dimensional data requires dimensionality reduction: finding
meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in their high-dimensional observations. Such …
meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in their high-dimensional observations. Such …
MLCV: Bridging machine-learning-based dimensionality reduction and free-energy calculation
Importance-sampling algorithms leaning on the definition of a model reaction coordinate
(RC) are widely employed to probe processes relevant to chemistry and biology alike …
(RC) are widely employed to probe processes relevant to chemistry and biology alike …
Discover, sample, and refine: Exploring chemistry with enhanced sampling techniques
Over the last few decades, enhanced sampling methods have been continuously improved.
Here, we exploit this progress and propose a modular workflow for blind reaction discovery …
Here, we exploit this progress and propose a modular workflow for blind reaction discovery …
The confluence of machine learning and multiscale simulations
Multiscale modeling has a long history of use in structural biology, as computational
biologists strive to overcome the time-and length-scale limits of atomistic molecular …
biologists strive to overcome the time-and length-scale limits of atomistic molecular …