Finite-time cosmological singularities and the possible fate of the Universe

J de Haro, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, VK Oikonomou, S Pan - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
Singularities in any physical theory are either remarkable indicators of the unknown
underlying fundamental theory, or indicate a change in the description of the physical reality …

[HTML][HTML] f (R) theories

A De Felice, S Tsujikawa - Living Reviews in Relativity, 2010 - Springer
Over the past decade, f (R) theories have been extensively studied as one of the simplest
modifications to General Relativity. In this article we review various applications of f (R) …

Robust preference for Dynamical Dark Energy in DESI BAO and SN measurements

W Giarè, M Najafi, S Pan, E Di Valentino… - … of Cosmology and …, 2024 -
Abstract Recent Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements released by DESI, when
combined with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data from Planck and two different …

Model-independent reconstruction of the interacting dark energy kernel: Binned and Gaussian process

LA Escamilla, Ö Akarsu, E Di Valentino… - Journal of Cosmology …, 2023 -
The cosmological dark sector remains an enigma, offering numerous possibilities for
exploration. One particularly intriguing option is the (non-minimal) interaction scenario …

Dark energy

M Li, XD Li, S Wang, Y Wang - Communications in theoretical …, 2011 -
Dark Energy - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility Help Search all
IOPscience content Search Article Lookup Select journal (required) Volume number: Issue …

Quintom cosmology: theoretical implications and observations

YF Cai, EN Saridakis, MR Setare, JQ **a - Physics Reports, 2010 - Elsevier
We review the paradigm of quintom cosmology. This scenario is motivated by the
observational indications that the equation-of-state of dark energy across the cosmological …

Reconstruction of dark energy and expansion dynamics using Gaussian processes

M Seikel, C Clarkson, M Smith - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2012 -
An important issue in cosmology is reconstructing the effective dark energy equation of state
directly from observations. With few physically motivated models, future dark energy studies …

Two new diagnostics of dark energy

V Sahni, A Shafieloo, AA Starobinsky - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields …, 2008 - APS
We introduce two new diagnostics of dark energy (DE). The first, O m, is a combination of the
Hubble parameter and the cosmological redshift and provides a null test of dark energy …

Equation of state for dark energy in f (T) gravity

K Bamba, CQ Geng, CC Lee… - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2011 -
We study the cosmological evolutions of the equation of state for dark energy w DE in the
exponential and logarithmic as well as their combination f (T) theories. We show that the …

Reconstructing dark energy

V Sahni, A Starobinsky - International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2006 - World Scientific
This review summarizes recent attempts to reconstruct the expansion history of the universe
and to probe the nature of dark energy. Reconstruction methods can be broadly classified …