[HTML][HTML] Impact of cultivation substrate and microbial community on improving mushroom productivity: A review
Simple Summary Lignocellulosic material and substrate formulations affect mushroom
productivity. The microbial community in cultivation substrates affects the quality of the …
productivity. The microbial community in cultivation substrates affects the quality of the …
Growing edible mushrooms: a conversation between bacteria and fungi
J Carrasco, GM Preston - Environmental microbiology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Mushroom crop** consists of the development and fructification of different fungal species
in soil or selective substrates that provide nutrients and support for the crop. The …
in soil or selective substrates that provide nutrients and support for the crop. The …
[HTML][HTML] Wood decay fungi and their bacterial interaction partners in the built environment–A systematic review on fungal bacteria interactions in dead wood and …
J Embacher, S Zeilinger, M Kirchmair… - Fungal Biology …, 2023 - Elsevier
Microbial biodeterioration of timber and woody material in buildings can cause costly
restoration procedures. Here, we focus on Serpula lacrymans (commonly known as dry-rot) …
restoration procedures. Here, we focus on Serpula lacrymans (commonly known as dry-rot) …
Microbial communities associated with the black morel Morchella sextelata cultivated in greenhouses
Morels (Morchella spp.) are iconic edible mushrooms with a long history of human
consumption. Some microbial taxa are hypothesized to be important in triggering the …
consumption. Some microbial taxa are hypothesized to be important in triggering the …
Potential health benefits of natural products derived from truffles: A review
Background Truffle, the hypogeous, ascomycetous macrofungus, has been an appreciated
food for ages, and it is gaining elevated status in the culinary domain. With the identification …
food for ages, and it is gaining elevated status in the culinary domain. With the identification …
Phylogenomics of Endogonaceae and evolution of mycorrhizas within Mucoromycota
Summary Endogonales (Mucoromycotina), composed of Endogonaceae and
Densosporaceae, is the only known non‐Dikarya order with ectomycorrhizal members. They …
Densosporaceae, is the only known non‐Dikarya order with ectomycorrhizal members. They …
Bacterial communities in boreal forest mushrooms are shaped both by soil parameters and host identity
M Pent, K Põldmaa, M Bahram - Frontiers in microbiology, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Despite recent advances in understanding the microbiome of eukaryotes, little is known
about microbial communities in fungi. Here we investigate the structure of bacterial …
about microbial communities in fungi. Here we investigate the structure of bacterial …
LC-MS-based metabolomic approach revealed the significantly different metabolic profiles of five commercial truffle species
X Li, X Zhang, L Ye, Z Kang, D Jia, L Yang… - Frontiers in …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Truffles are ascomycetous ectomycorrhizal fungi that have elevated status in the culinary
field due to their unique aroma and taste as well as their nutritional value and potential …
field due to their unique aroma and taste as well as their nutritional value and potential …
Truffles: From Islamic culture to chemistry, pharmacology, and food trends in recent times
Background Many years back, during Islamic civilization, truffle (Kama'ah) was mentioned by
Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to be well recognized as a therapeutic for eye diseases.(“In the …
Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to be well recognized as a therapeutic for eye diseases.(“In the …
Chinese black truffle (Tuber indicum) alters the ectomycorrhizosphere and endoectomycosphere microbiome and metabolic profiles of the host tree Quercus aliena
Truffles are one group of the most famous ectomycorrhizal fungi in the world. There is little
information on the ecological mechanisms of truffle ectomycorrhizal synthesis in vitro. In this …
information on the ecological mechanisms of truffle ectomycorrhizal synthesis in vitro. In this …