Cold seep systems in the South China Sea: An overview
Three decades after the discovery of cold seep systems, various sites of hydrocarbon
seepage have been found in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past decade, these sites …
seepage have been found in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past decade, these sites …
Trace elements in methane-seep carbonates: Potentials, limitations, and perspectives
Marine authigenic carbonates form shallow-water microbialites, mud mounds, and
hydrocarbon-seep deposits and contain appreciable amounts of trace elements that yield …
hydrocarbon-seep deposits and contain appreciable amounts of trace elements that yield …
Provenance and depositional history of continental slope sediments in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico unraveled by geochemical analysis
The aim of this work is to constrain the provenance and depositional history of continental
slope sediments in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (~ 1089–1785 m water depth). To …
slope sediments in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (~ 1089–1785 m water depth). To …
Authigenic carbonates from an active cold seep of the northern South China Sea: new insights into fluid sources and past seepage activity
Site F (also named Formosa ridge) represents the most vigorous cold seep on the northern
South China Sea continental slope. In order to constrain the fluid sources and intensities of …
South China Sea continental slope. In order to constrain the fluid sources and intensities of …
New insights into cerium anomalies and mechanisms of trace metal enrichment in authigenic carbonate from hydrocarbon seeps
Authigenic carbonates that form at marine hydrocarbon seeps provide a unique geological
archive of past local environmental conditions and pore fluid geochemistry. Recent work on …
archive of past local environmental conditions and pore fluid geochemistry. Recent work on …
Mineralogy, geochemistry, and radiocarbon ages of deep sea sediments from the Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
The mineralogy, geochemistry, and radiocarbon ages of two sediment cores (GMX1 and
GMX2) collected from the deep sea area of the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (∼ 876–1752 …
GMX2) collected from the deep sea area of the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (∼ 876–1752 …
Formation of seep carbonates along the Makran convergent margin, northern Arabian Sea and a molecular and isotopic approach to constrain the carbon isotopic …
Authigenic carbonate deposits have been sampled with the remotely operated vehicle
'MARUM-QUEST 4000 m'from five methane seeps between 731 and 1823 m water depth …
'MARUM-QUEST 4000 m'from five methane seeps between 731 and 1823 m water depth …
Fluid source and methane-related diagenetic processes recorded in cold seep carbonates from the Alvheim channel, central North Sea
Integrated petrography, mineralogy, geochronology and geochemistry of cold seep
carbonate crusts and free gas from the Alvheim channel elucidate diagenetic carbonate …
carbonate crusts and free gas from the Alvheim channel elucidate diagenetic carbonate …
Geochemistry of cretaceous fine-grained siliciclastic rocks from Upper Mundeck and Logbadjeck Formations, Douala sub-basin, SW Cameroon: implications for …
The chemical composition of the Upper Mundeck Formation (UMF) and Logbadjeck
Formation (LF) from the Douala sub-basin (Cameroon) has been investigated to determine …
Formation (LF) from the Douala sub-basin (Cameroon) has been investigated to determine …
[HTML][HTML] Molybdenum isotope composition of seep carbonates–Constraints on sediment biogeochemistry in seepage environments
Methane seepage causes significant changes in the local diagenetic environment and
impacts the marine sedimentary cycles of sulfur, carbon, and molybdenum (Mo), which are …
impacts the marine sedimentary cycles of sulfur, carbon, and molybdenum (Mo), which are …