Review of functional titanium oxides. I: TiO2 and its modifications
An extensive and wide-ranging literature about the polymorphs of titanium dioxide (TiO 2)
has accumulated during the last few decades, providing a very large resource of data on its …
has accumulated during the last few decades, providing a very large resource of data on its …
Recent advances in non-metal doped titania for solar-driven photocatalytic/photoelectrochemical water-splitting
Abstract Photocatalytic (PC)/Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting under solar light
irradiation is considered as a prospective technique to support the sustainable and …
irradiation is considered as a prospective technique to support the sustainable and …
A surface science perspective on TiO2 photocatalysis
MA Henderson - Surface Science Reports, 2011 - Elsevier
The field of surface science provides a unique approach to understanding bulk, surface and
interfacial phenomena occurring during TiO 2 photocatalysis. This review highlights, from a …
interfacial phenomena occurring during TiO 2 photocatalysis. This review highlights, from a …
Probing the Optical Property and Electronic Structure of TiO2 Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy Applications
The world's energy consumption is predicted to grow by 56% by the year 2040, from 520
quadrillion Btu pa in 2010 to 820 quadrillion Btu/pa, as reported by the US Energy …
quadrillion Btu pa in 2010 to 820 quadrillion Btu/pa, as reported by the US Energy …
The Electronic Origin of the Visible-Light Absorption Properties of C-, N- and S-Doped TiO2 Nanomaterials
The origin of the visible-light absorption of main-group element (C, N, S) doped TiO2
nanostructures is investigated via diffuse reflectance and valence band X-ray photoelectron …
nanostructures is investigated via diffuse reflectance and valence band X-ray photoelectron …
The Role of Interstitial Sites in the Ti3d Defect State in the Band Gap of Titania
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has a number of uses in catalysis, photochemistry, and sensing that
are linked to the reducibility of the oxide. Usually, bridging oxygen (Obr) vacancies are …
are linked to the reducibility of the oxide. Usually, bridging oxygen (Obr) vacancies are …
Reformulation of as a Pseudohybrid Hubbard Density Functional for Accelerated Materials Discovery
The accurate prediction of the electronic properties of materials at a low computational
expense is a necessary condition for the development of effective high-throughput quantum …
expense is a necessary condition for the development of effective high-throughput quantum …
Theory of carbon do** of titanium dioxide
Recent experimental studies have determined that carbon do** dramatically improves the
photocatalytic activity of TiO2 in the visible-light region. Using density functional theory (DFT) …
photocatalytic activity of TiO2 in the visible-light region. Using density functional theory (DFT) …
Excess electron states in reduced bulk anatase TiO2: comparison of standard GGA, GGA+ U, and hybrid DFT calculations
The removal of lattice O atoms, as well as the addition of interstitial H atoms, in TiO 2 is
known to cause the reduction in the material and the formation of “Ti 3+” ions. By means of …
known to cause the reduction in the material and the formation of “Ti 3+” ions. By means of …
Controllable synthesis of Bi 4 O 5 Br 2 ultrathin nanosheets for photocatalytic removal of ciprofloxacin and mechanism insight
A novel Bi4O5Br2 photocatalyst was prepared via a reactable ionic liquids-assisted
solvothermal method accompanied with facile pH control. A Bi4O5Br2 ultrathin nanosheets …
solvothermal method accompanied with facile pH control. A Bi4O5Br2 ultrathin nanosheets …