The Influence of JIGSAW Learning Model and Discovery Learning on Learning Discipline and Learning Outcomes.
This study aims to determine the effect of the jigsaw type collaborative learning model vs
discovery learning model and learning discipline on learning outcomes, Message Design …
discovery learning model and learning discipline on learning outcomes, Message Design …
Parent-child relationship quality and emerging adult internalizing and externalizing problems: Empathy as a pathway
A key facet of socioemotional development is the ability to practice prosocial behavior. Prior
research has emphasized the role parenting has in develo** this skill from early childhood …
research has emphasized the role parenting has in develo** this skill from early childhood …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding school refusal behavior in adolescence: Risk profiles and attributional style for academic results
A Fernández-Sogorb, C Gonzálvez… - Revista de Psicodidáctica …, 2023 - Elsevier
Adolescents who show a tendency to refuse school could also be experiencing poor
motivation towards learning. The present work aimed to identify profiles of adolescents with …
motivation towards learning. The present work aimed to identify profiles of adolescents with …
The effect of TGT model on student cognitive learning outcomes: The concept of relay running
A Fenanlampir - Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2021 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
TGT cooperative type learning, as a game-based learning methodology, provides
opportunities for students to develop skills in group interactions in small groups and work …
opportunities for students to develop skills in group interactions in small groups and work …
N Winarsih, W Septiana… - … Journal of Social …, 2024 - journal.discourseonline.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas metode" Make a Match" dalam
meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa di MTS Ichyaul Islam, Desa Kapasan, Kecamatan …
meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa di MTS Ichyaul Islam, Desa Kapasan, Kecamatan …
The influence of types of collaborative learning models jigsaw vs discovery learning model and learning discipline on learning results
This study aims to determine the effect of the jigsaw type collaborative learning model vs
discovery learning model and learning discipline on learning outcomes, Message Design …
discovery learning model and learning discipline on learning outcomes, Message Design …
[HTML][HTML] Comprendiendo el comportamiento de rechazo escolar en la adolescencia: perfiles de riesgo y estilo atribucional ante los resultados académicos
A Fernández-Sogorb, C Gonzálvez… - Revista de psicodidáctica, 2023 - Elsevier
Los adolescentes que muestran una tendencia a rechazar la escuela podrían estar
experimentando también una baja motivación hacia el aprendizaje. El presente trabajo …
experimentando también una baja motivación hacia el aprendizaje. El presente trabajo …
Blended Learning in terms of Intrapersonal Intelligence on Problem Solving Ability
The general objective to be achieved in this study is to determine the effect of using Blended
Learning in terms of Intrapersonal Intelligence on Problem Solving Ability. This research is a …
Learning in terms of Intrapersonal Intelligence on Problem Solving Ability. This research is a …
Penerapan cooperative learning pada multimedia pembelajaran interaktif materi sistem pencernaan manusia
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, Sekolah Menengah Pertama harus
memperhatikan pengajaran, isi, metode pembelajaran, serta media pembelajaran …
memperhatikan pengajaran, isi, metode pembelajaran, serta media pembelajaran …
Develo** Social and Emotional Learning Skills for Elementary School Students and Teachers of Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
P Mooney, JB Ryan - Beyond Behavior, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Our first issue of Volume 32 offers a special series of six articles focused on social and
emotional learning (SEL) and the planning, delivery, and evaluation of its instruction for …
emotional learning (SEL) and the planning, delivery, and evaluation of its instruction for …