Underwater wireless sensor networks: A new challenge for topology control–based systems
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) will pave the way for a new era of
underwater monitoring and actuation applications. The envisioned landscape of UWSN …
underwater monitoring and actuation applications. The envisioned landscape of UWSN …
Void-handling techniques for routing protocols in underwater sensor networks: Survey and challenges
From the view of routing protocols in underwater sensor networks (UWSNs), the presence of
communication void, where the packet cannot be forwarded further using the greedy mode …
communication void, where the packet cannot be forwarded further using the greedy mode …
A survey on opportunistic routing protocols in the Internet of Underwater Things
Compared with traditional ocean monitoring technologies, such as cable seabed
observation networks, the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) can provide real-time …
observation networks, the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) can provide real-time …
A reliable energy-efficient pressure-based routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor network
Abstract Recently, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) has witnessed
significant attention from both academia and industries in research and development, due to …
significant attention from both academia and industries in research and development, due to …
GCORP: Geographic and cooperative opportunistic routing protocol for underwater sensor networks
Underwater Sensor Network (UWSN) is gaining popularity among researchers due to its
peculiar features. But there are so many challenges in the design of the UWSN system, and …
peculiar features. But there are so many challenges in the design of the UWSN system, and …
Green computing in underwater wireless sensor networks pressure centric energy modeling
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have witnessed significant attention from
both industries and academia in research and development. This is due to the wide range of …
both industries and academia in research and development. This is due to the wide range of …
[HTML][HTML] Energy-efficient depth-based opportunistic routing with Q-learning for underwater wireless sensor networks
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) have aroused increasing interest of many
researchers in industry, military, commerce and academe recently. Due to the harsh …
researchers in industry, military, commerce and academe recently. Due to the harsh …
OMUS: Efficient opportunistic routing in multi-modal underwater sensor networks
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have emerged as an enabling technology
for aquatic monitoring. However, data delivery in UWSNs is challenging, due to the harsh …
for aquatic monitoring. However, data delivery in UWSNs is challenging, due to the harsh …
Data gathering problem with the data importance consideration in underwater wireless sensor networks
CF Cheng, LH Li - Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract In Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs), if sensors rely on multi-hop
transmission to send sensing data to the sink above the water, sensors that are closer to the …
transmission to send sensing data to the sink above the water, sensors that are closer to the …
[PDF][PDF] CEER: Cooperative Energy-Efficient Routing Mechanism for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Using Clusters.
Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWASNs) aim to find varied offshore ocean
monitoring and exploration applications. In most of these applications, the network is …
monitoring and exploration applications. In most of these applications, the network is …