Neurobiology of addiction: a neurocircuitry analysis
GF Koob, ND Volkow - The lancet psychiatry, 2016 - thelancet.com
Drug addiction represents a dramatic dysregulation of motivational circuits that is caused by
a combination of exaggerated incentive salience and habit formation, reward deficits and …
a combination of exaggerated incentive salience and habit formation, reward deficits and …
Neurobiology of opioid addiction: opponent process, hyperkatifeia, and negative reinforcement
GF Koob - Biological psychiatry, 2020 - Elsevier
Opioids are powerful drugs that usurp and overpower the reward function of endogenous
opioids and engage dramatic tolerance and withdrawal via molecular and neurocircuitry …
opioids and engage dramatic tolerance and withdrawal via molecular and neurocircuitry …
Addiction and stress: An allostatic view
Allostasis, or stability through change, has most often been linked with challenges to
homeostasis, in which repeated challenges or stressors produce sufficient allostatic load to …
homeostasis, in which repeated challenges or stressors produce sufficient allostatic load to …
Drug-induced conditioned place preference and its practical use in substance use disorder research
G McKendrick, NM Graziane - Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 2020 - frontiersin.org
The conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm is a well-established model utilized to
study the role of context associations in reward-related behaviors, including both natural …
study the role of context associations in reward-related behaviors, including both natural …
Keep off the grass? Cannabis, cognition and addiction
In an increasing number of states and countries, cannabis now stands poised to join alcohol
and tobacco as a legal drug. Quantifying the relative adverse and beneficial effects of …
and tobacco as a legal drug. Quantifying the relative adverse and beneficial effects of …
Drug addiction: hyperkatifeia/negative reinforcement as a framework for medications development
GF Koob - Pharmacological reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
Compulsive drug seeking that is associated with addiction is hypothesized to follow a
heuristic framework that involves three stages (binge/intoxication, withdrawal/negative affect …
heuristic framework that involves three stages (binge/intoxication, withdrawal/negative affect …
Alcohol use disorder and sleep disturbances: a feed-forward allostatic framework
The development of alcohol use disorder (AUD) involves binge or heavy drinking to high
levels of intoxication that leads to compulsive intake, the loss of control in limiting intake, and …
levels of intoxication that leads to compulsive intake, the loss of control in limiting intake, and …
Neurocircuitry of addiction
GF Koob, ND Volkow - Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010 - nature.com
Drug addiction is a chronically relapsing disorder that has been characterized by (1)
compulsion to seek and take the drug,(2) loss of control in limiting intake, and (3) emergence …
compulsion to seek and take the drug,(2) loss of control in limiting intake, and (3) emergence …
The human BNST: functional role in anxiety and addiction
The consequences of chronic stress on brain structure and function are far reaching.
Whereas stress can produce short-term adaptive changes in the brain, chronic stress leads …
Whereas stress can produce short-term adaptive changes in the brain, chronic stress leads …
The vertebrate mesolimbic reward system and social behavior network: a comparative synthesis
All animals evaluate the salience of external stimuli and integrate them with internal
physiological information into adaptive behavior. Natural and sexual selection im**e on …
physiological information into adaptive behavior. Natural and sexual selection im**e on …