The minimum-mass extrasolar nebula: in situ formation of close-in super-Earths
E Chiang, G Laughlin - Monthly Notices of the Royal …, 2013 -
Close-in super-Earths, with radii R≈ 2–5 R⊕ and orbital periods P< 100 d, orbit more than
half, and perhaps nearly all, Sun-like stars in the Universe. We use this omnipresent …
half, and perhaps nearly all, Sun-like stars in the Universe. We use this omnipresent …
The multifaceted planetesimal formation process
Accumulation of dust and ice particles into planetesimals is an important step in the planet
formation process. Planetesimals are the seeds of both terrestrial planets and the solid cores …
formation process. Planetesimals are the seeds of both terrestrial planets and the solid cores …
Phantom: A smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysics
We present Phantom, a fast, parallel, modular, and low-memory smoothed particle
hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics code developed over the last decade for …
hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics code developed over the last decade for …
How to form planetesimals from mm-sized chondrules and chondrule aggregates
The size distribution of asteroids and Kuiper belt objects in the solar system is difficult to
reconcile with a bottom-up formation scenario due to the observed scarcity of objects smaller …
reconcile with a bottom-up formation scenario due to the observed scarcity of objects smaller …
Dynamics of solids in the midplane of protoplanetary disks: Implications for planetesimal formation
XN Bai, JM Stone - The Astrophysical Journal, 2010 -
We present local two-dimensional and three-dimensional hybrid numerical simulations of
particles and gas in the midplane of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) using the Athena code. The …
particles and gas in the midplane of protoplanetary disks (PPDs) using the Athena code. The …
Transport and accretion in planet-forming disks
Planets appear to form in environments shaped by the gas flowing through protostellar disks
to the central young stars. The flows in turn are governed by orbital angular momentum …
to the central young stars. The flows in turn are governed by orbital angular momentum …
Cooling requirements for the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks
The vertical shear instability (VSI) offers a potential hydrodynamic mechanism for angular
momentum transport in protoplanetary disks (PPDs). The VSI is driven by a weak vertical …
momentum transport in protoplanetary disks (PPDs). The VSI is driven by a weak vertical …
Zombie vortex instability. I. A purely hydrodynamic instability to resurrect the dead zones of protoplanetary disks
There is considerable interest in hydrodynamic instabilities in dead zones of protoplanetary
disks as a mechanism for driving angular momentum transport and as a source of particle …
disks as a mechanism for driving angular momentum transport and as a source of particle …
On the formation of planetesimals via secular gravitational instabilities with turbulent stirring
AN Youdin - The Astrophysical Journal, 2011 -
We study the gravitational instability (GI) of small solids in a gas disk as a mechanism to form
planetesimals. Dissipation from gas drag introduces secular GI, which proceeds even when …
planetesimals. Dissipation from gas drag introduces secular GI, which proceeds even when …
Dust Dynamics in Hall-effected Protoplanetary Disks. I. Background Drift Hall Instability
Recent studies have shown that the large-scale gas dynamics of protoplanetary disks
(PPDs) are controlled by nonideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), but how this influences …
(PPDs) are controlled by nonideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), but how this influences …