Web services composition: A decade's overview

QZ Sheng, X Qiao, AV Vasilakos, C Szabo, S Bourne… - Information …, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract Service-oriented computing (SOC) represents a paradigm for building distributed
computing applications over the Internet. In the past decade, Web services composition has …

Service selection algorithms for Web services with end-to-end QoS constraints

T Yu, KJ Lin - Information systems and e-business management, 2005 - Springer
Web services are new forms of Internet software that can be universally deployed and
invoked using standard protocols. Services from different providers can be integrated into a …

A broker-based framework for qos-aware web service composition

T Yu, KJ Lin - 2005 IEEE International Conference on e …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Web services are modular web applications that can be independently deployed and
invoked by other software or services on the web. This offers enterprises the capability to …

Facilitating the rapid development and scalable orchestration of composite web services

B Benatallah, M Dumas, QZ Sheng - Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2005 - Springer
The development of new Web services through the composition of existing ones has gained
a considerable momentum as a means to realise business-to-business collaborations …

Classification of the state-of-the-art dynamic web services composition techniques

A Alamri, M Eid, A El Saddik - International journal of web …, 2006 - inderscienceonline.com
Dynamic web service composition can serve applications or users on an on-demand basis.
With dynamic composition, the application's capabilities can be extended at runtime so that …

Workflow-based resource allocation to optimize overall performance of composite services

BY Wu, CH Chi, Z Chen, M Gu, JG Sun - Future Generation Computer …, 2009 - Elsevier
In software service provision, the overall performance of a composite service is often the
ultimate focus of concern rather than those of its individual components. This opens new …

A reference model for dynamic web service composition systems

M Eid, A Alamri, A El Saddik - International Journal of Web …, 2008 - inderscienceonline.com
Web services have become an emerging and promising technology to design and build
complex business applications out of atomic web-based software components. To enforce …

Bootstrap** domain ontology for semantic web services from source web sites

W Wu, AH Doan, C Yu, W Meng - International Workshop on Technologies …, 2005 - Springer
Abstract The vision of Semantic Web services promises a network of interoperable Web
services over different sources. A major challenge to the realization of this vision is the lack …

Conceptualizing the IT artifact for MIS research

S Matook, SA Brown - 2008 - aisel.aisnet.org
The notion of the information technology (IT) artifact has received a great deal of attention,
particularly since Benbasat and Zmud's (2003) call for it to be the core of the information …

Service selection model based on QoS reference vector

BY Wu, CH Chi, S Xu - 2007 IEEE congress on services …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In SOA, one challenging problem is the QoS evaluation for the newly composed service.
Most existing work on service composition focuses mainly on the static QoS behavior of …