p63: a crucial player in epithelial stemness regulation
Epithelial tissue homeostasis is closely associated with the self-renewal and differentiation
behaviors of epithelial stem cells (ESCs). p63, a well-known marker of ESCs, is an …
behaviors of epithelial stem cells (ESCs). p63, a well-known marker of ESCs, is an …
A central role for central tolerance
B Kyewski, L Klein - Annu. Rev. Immunol., 2006 - annualreviews.org
Recent elucidation of the role of central tolerance in preventing organ-specific autoimmunity
has changed our concepts of self/nonself discrimination. This paradigmatic shift is largely …
has changed our concepts of self/nonself discrimination. This paradigmatic shift is largely …
Ageing compromises mouse thymus function and remodels epithelial cell differentiation
Ageing is characterised by cellular senescence, leading to imbalanced tissue maintenance,
cell death and compromised organ function. This is first observed in the thymus, the primary …
cell death and compromised organ function. This is first observed in the thymus, the primary …
[HTML][HTML] p63 Is essential for the proliferative potential of stem cells in stratified epithelia
The distinguishing feature of adult stem cells is their extraordinary capacity to divide prior to
the onset of senescence. While stratified epithelia such as skin, prostate, and breast are …
the onset of senescence. While stratified epithelia such as skin, prostate, and breast are …
Mechanisms of thymus organogenesis and morphogenesis
J Gordon, NR Manley - Development, 2011 - journals.biologists.com
The thymus is the primary organ responsible for generating functional T cells in vertebrates.
Although T cell differentiation within the thymus has been an area of intense investigation …
Although T cell differentiation within the thymus has been an area of intense investigation …
Generation of diversity in thymic epithelial cells
Y Takahama, I Ohigashi, S Baik… - Nature Reviews …, 2017 - nature.com
In the thymus, diverse populations of thymic epithelial cells (TECs), including cortical and
medullary TECs and their subpopulations, have distinct roles in coordinating the …
medullary TECs and their subpopulations, have distinct roles in coordinating the …
Changes in primary lymphoid organs with aging
IK Chinn, CC Blackburn, NR Manley… - Seminars in …, 2012 - Elsevier
Aging is associated with decreased immune function that leads to increased morbidity and
mortality in the elderly. Immune senescence is accompanied by age-related changes in two …
mortality in the elderly. Immune senescence is accompanied by age-related changes in two …
Promiscuous gene expression in thymic epithelial cells is regulated at multiple levels
J Derbinski, J Gäbler, B Brors, S Tierling… - Journal of Experimental …, 2005 - rupress.org
The role of central tolerance induction has recently been revised after the discovery of
promiscuous expression of tissue-restricted self-antigens in the thymus. The extent of tissue …
promiscuous expression of tissue-restricted self-antigens in the thymus. The extent of tissue …
Clonal analysis reveals a common progenitor for thymic cortical and medullary epithelium
SW Rossi, WE Jenkinson, G Anderson, EJ Jenkinson - Nature, 2006 - nature.com
The thymus provides an essential environment for the development of T cells from
haemopoietic progenitors. This environment is separated into cortical and medullary …
haemopoietic progenitors. This environment is separated into cortical and medullary …
Twenty years of AIRE
R Perniola - Frontiers in immunology, 2018 - frontiersin.org
About two decades ago, cloning of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene materialized one
of the most important actors on the scene of self-tolerance. Thymic transcription of genes …
of the most important actors on the scene of self-tolerance. Thymic transcription of genes …