[PDF][PDF] Imigrace a integrace cizinců v Česku: Několik zastavení na cestě země v její migrační proměně z Davida na téměř Goliáše
D Drbohlav - Geografie, 2011 - academia.edu
DRBOHLAV, D.(2011): Immigration and Integration of Foreigners in Czechia: Some
Thoughts on the Country's Migration Transition from a David to a Near Goliath. Geografie …
Thoughts on the Country's Migration Transition from a David to a Near Goliath. Geografie …
[PDF][PDF] The Czech Republic: on its way from emigration to immigration country
The Czech Republic represents one of the most important immigration target countries in
Central and Eastern Europe. This is a relatively new situation since the Czech lands have …
Central and Eastern Europe. This is a relatively new situation since the Czech lands have …
New immigrant destinations in a new country of immigration: Settlement patterns of non‐natives in the Czech Republic
This paper adds to the literature on new immigrant destinations and the geographies of
immigrant incorporation by studying recent changes in the settlement patterns of non …
immigrant incorporation by studying recent changes in the settlement patterns of non …
[PDF][PDF] Rozmístění a migrace cizinců jako součást sociálněgeografické diferenciace Česka
ČERMÁK, Z., JANSKÁ, E.(2011): Distribution and migration of foreigners as a part of the
socio-geographical differentiation of Czechia. Geografie, 116, No. 4, pp. 422–439.–The …
socio-geographical differentiation of Czechia. Geografie, 116, No. 4, pp. 422–439.–The …
Immigrant groups and the local environment: socio-spatial differentiation in Czech metropolitan areas
The spatial distribution of immigrant groups is a more relevant topic now than ever before.
While the study of this topic has a long tradition in the “traditional” immigration countries, it is …
While the study of this topic has a long tradition in the “traditional” immigration countries, it is …
The surname space of the Czech Republic: examining population structure by network analysis of spatial co-occurrence of surnames
In the majority of countries, surnames represent a ubiquitous cultural attribute inherited from
an individual's ancestors and predominantly only altered through marriage. This paper …
an individual's ancestors and predominantly only altered through marriage. This paper …
[KNYGA][B] Integrace žáků-cizinců v širším kontextu
Migrace se v současné době stala velmi významným, dynamickým a komplexním globálním
jevem, který podstatně ovlivňuje geopolitickou situaci ve světě i všechny aspekty …
jevem, který podstatně ovlivňuje geopolitickou situaci ve světě i všechny aspekty …
Soužití v městské čtvrti: majorita a Vietnamci v Praze-Libuši
L Sýkora, K Fiedlerová, T Freidingerová… - Sociologický časopis …, 2016 - ceeol.com
This article contributes to the discussion of everyday interactions between a settled majority
population and new immigrants in an urban neighbourhood with recent experience of …
population and new immigrants in an urban neighbourhood with recent experience of …
[PDF][PDF] Koncentrační, či dekoncentrační procesy? Faktory ovlivňující vnitřní migraci imigrantů v Česku
Geografie, 120, No. 4, pp. 585–602.–The distribution of foreigners is becoming an essential
part of socio-geographical differentiation of Czechia. In addition to international migration …
part of socio-geographical differentiation of Czechia. In addition to international migration …
The emergence of regional immigrant concentrations in USA and Australia: a spatial relatedness approach
This paper examines the patterns of the US and Australian immigration geography and the
process of regional population diversification and the emergence of new immigrant …
process of regional population diversification and the emergence of new immigrant …