Local and global phase portrait of equation

A Garijo, A Gasull, X Jarque - Discrete and Continuous Dynamical …, 2006 - aimsciences.org
This paper studies the differential equation $\dot z= f (z) $, where $ f $ is an analytic function
in $\mathbb C $ except, possibly, at isolated singularities. We give a unify treatment of well …

One-dimensional quaternion homogeneous polynomial differential equations

A Gasull, J Llibre, X Zhang - Journal of mathematical physics, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
In this paper we study the dynamics of real four-dimensional polynomial differential
equations of the forms q ̇= aqkqm or q ̇= qkaqm⁠, where q, a are quaternions, q is the …

Classification of complex polynomial vector fields in one complex variable

B Branner, K Dias - Journal of Difference Equations and …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
This paper classifies the global structure of monic and centred one-variable complex
polynomial vector fields. The classification is achieved by means of combinatorial and …

On the number of limit cycles for piecewise polynomial holomorphic systems

A Gasull, G Rondón, PR da Silva - SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical …, 2024 - SIAM
In this paper, we are concerned with determining lower bounds of the number of limit cycles
for piecewise polynomial holomorphic systems with a straight line of discontinuity. We …

Dynamics of singular complex analytic vector fields with essential singularities I

A Alvarez–Parrilla, J Mucino–Raymundo - Conformal Geometry and …, 2017 - ams.org
We tackle the problem of understanding the geometry and dynamics of singular complex
analytic vector fields $ X $ with essential singularities on a Riemann surface $ M $(compact …

New lower bounds of the number of critical periods in reversible centers

I Sánchez-Sánchez, J Torregrosa - Journal of differential equations, 2021 - Elsevier
In this paper we aim to find the highest number of critical periods in a class of planar systems
of polynomial differential equations for fixed degree having a center. We fix our attention to …

[PDF][PDF] Center problem for systems with two monomial nonlinearities

A Gasull, J Giné, J Torregrosa - Commun. Pure Appl …, 2016 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
We study the center problem for planar systems with a linear center at the origin that in
complex coordinates have a nonlinearity formed by the sum of two monomials. Our first …

Simultaneous bifurcation of limit cycles from two nests of periodic orbits

A Garijo, A Gasull, X Jarque - Journal of mathematical analysis and …, 2008 - Elsevier
Let z˙= f (z) be an holomorphic differential equation having a center at p, and consider the
following perturbation z˙= f (z)+ εR (z, z¯). We give an integral expression, similar to an …

Configurations of critical points in complex polynomial differential equations

MJ Álvarez, A Gasull, R Prohens - Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & …, 2009 - Elsevier
In this work we focus on the configuration (location and stability) of simple critical points of
polynomial differential equations of the form ż= f (z), z∈ C. The case where all the critical …

Remarks on Rational Vector Fields on ℂ ℙ 1

M Klimeš, C Rousseau - Journal of dynamical and control systems, 2021 - Springer
In this paper, we introduce geometric tools to study the families of rational vector fields of a
given degree over ℂ ℙ 1 CP^1. To a generic vector field of such a parametric family, we …