The adoption process and impact of additive manufacturing on manufacturing systems
Purpose Company pressure for manufacturers is mounting from two angles: increasing
pressure of global competition, and rapid advancements in technology such as additive …
pressure of global competition, and rapid advancements in technology such as additive …
Evolutionary Map** of the
Organizational rejuvenation as a strategic entrepreneurial phenomenon is an old but almost
unknown concept. In this research, a systematic review based on bibliometric method has …
unknown concept. In this research, a systematic review based on bibliometric method has …
Value Chain Development for Government Sector: A SAP-LAP Approach
ML Singla, A Hooda - Digital India: Reflections and Practice, 2018 - Springer
India is moving at a very fast pace towards the digitization of nation, but the true benefits of
this digitization are not yet achieved. Reason being usage of technology to transform the …
this digitization are not yet achieved. Reason being usage of technology to transform the …
Reconceptualizing Organizational Rejuvenation as a Strategic Entrepreneurship Phenomenon: A Bibliometric Map Approach
All organizations, during their life cycle, go through different stages. In the decline stage,
businesses face several problems, such as a sharp decline in sales, income, profit …
businesses face several problems, such as a sharp decline in sales, income, profit …
Propuesta de implementación de procesos de costos, logísticos y recursos humanos que forman parte de un sistema de gestión en una empresa metalmecánica …
DC Ciurlizza Peña, EVM Ramos Ramírez - 2017 -
El tema abordado en la presente tesis gira entorno a la Propuesta de Implementación en
una mediana empresa del Sector Metalmecánico, a través del diseño de procesos del área …
una mediana empresa del Sector Metalmecánico, a través del diseño de procesos del área …
Business Process Reengineering and Change Management Strategy to Overcome the Resistance to Change
SI Akbar - Available at SSRN 3502035, 2017 -
The objective of the study is exploring the implementation of business process
reengineering (BPR) in public organization to improve service performance. This study also …
reengineering (BPR) in public organization to improve service performance. This study also …
Propuesta de mejora al proceso para colocar pólizas por incumplimiento en un broker de seguros
D Garmendia León -
Propuesta de mejora para alcanzar que en un corredor de seguros realice colocaciones de
pólizas por incumplimiento a tiempo. Una póliza por incumplimiento es el recurso que …
pólizas por incumplimiento a tiempo. Una póliza por incumplimiento es el recurso que …