Web intelligence and artificial intelligence in education
V Devedžić - Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2004 - JSTOR
This paper surveys important aspects of Web Intelligence (WI) in the context of Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED) research. WI explores the fundamental roles as well as …
Intelligence in Education (AIED) research. WI explores the fundamental roles as well as …
Research challenges and perspectives on Wisdom Web of Things (W2T)
The rapid development of the Internet and the Internet of Things accelerates the emergence
of the hyper world. It has become a pressing research issue to realize the organic …
of the hyper world. It has become a pressing research issue to realize the organic …
Effective detection of sophisticated online banking fraud on extremely imbalanced data
Sophisticated online banking fraud reflects the integrative abuse of resources in social,
cyber and physical worlds. Its detection is a typical use case of the broad-based Wisdom …
cyber and physical worlds. Its detection is a typical use case of the broad-based Wisdom …
[КНИГА][B] Graph classification and clustering based on vector space embedding
This book is concerned with a fundamentally novel approach to graph-based pattern
recognition based on vector space embedding of graphs. It aims at condensing the high …
recognition based on vector space embedding of graphs. It aims at condensing the high …
From the internet of things to embedded intelligence
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the future technology trend of sensing,
computing, and communication. Under the Wisdom Web of Things (W2T) vision, the next …
computing, and communication. Under the Wisdom Web of Things (W2T) vision, the next …
[КНИГА][B] Graph-theoretic techniques for web content mining
This book describes exciting new opportunities for utilizing robust graph representations of
data with common machine learning algorithms. Graphs can model additional information …
data with common machine learning algorithms. Graphs can model additional information …
Mining ontology for automatically acquiring web user information needs
It is not easy to obtain the right information from the Web for a particular Web user or a group
of users due to the obstacle of automatically acquiring Web user profiles. The current …
of users due to the obstacle of automatically acquiring Web user profiles. The current …
Towards a smart world and ubiquitous intelligence: a walkthrough from smart things to smart hyperspaces and UbicKids
A cyber world (CW) is a digitized world created on cyberspaces inside computers
interconnected by networks including the Internet. Following ubiquitous computers, sensors …
interconnected by networks including the Internet. Following ubiquitous computers, sensors …
China's e-science knowledge grid environment
H Zhuge - IEEE intelligent Systems, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Internet and World Wide Web are milestones in the history of information sharing.
Scientists are increasingly relying on them to support their research. Knowledge is the basis …
Scientists are increasingly relying on them to support their research. Knowledge is the basis …
Web mining model and its applications for information gathering
Web mining is used to automatically discover and extract information from Web-related data
sources such as documents, log, services, and user profiles. Although standard data mining …
sources such as documents, log, services, and user profiles. Although standard data mining …