Front of pack nutritional labelling schemes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of recent evidence relating to objectively measured consumption and purchasing
Background Front of pack labelling (FOPL) provides visible nutritional information and
appears to influence knowledge and reformulation. However, a recent Cochrane review …
appears to influence knowledge and reformulation. However, a recent Cochrane review …
Experimental studies of front-of-package nutrient warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-processed foods: a sco** review
Policies that require front-of-package (FoP) nutrient warnings are becoming increasingly
common across the globe as a strategy to discourage excess consumption of sugary drinks …
common across the globe as a strategy to discourage excess consumption of sugary drinks …
Changes in food purchases after the Chilean policies on food labelling, marketing, and sales in schools: a before and after study
Summary Background In 2016, Chile implemented a unique law mandating front-of-package
warning labels, restricting marketing, and banning school sales for products high in calories …
warning labels, restricting marketing, and banning school sales for products high in calories …
Sugary drink warnings: A meta-analysis of experimental studies
Background Policymakers worldwide are considering requiring warnings for sugary drinks.
A growing number of experimental studies have examined sugary drink warnings' impacts …
A growing number of experimental studies have examined sugary drink warnings' impacts …
Analyzing consumer behaviour towards food and nutrition labeling: A comprehensive review
Studying consumer behaviour towards food and nutrition labelling (F&NL) is increasingly
becoming important across the world. Bibliometric analysis is a way to identify influential …
becoming important across the world. Bibliometric analysis is a way to identify influential …
Objective understanding of the Nutri-score front-of-pack label by European consumers and its effect on food choices: an online experimental study
Abstract Background The effectiveness of Front-of-Pack nutrition Labels (FoPLs) may be
influenced by national context. In light of the ongoing efforts to harmonize FoPLs across …
influenced by national context. In light of the ongoing efforts to harmonize FoPLs across …
Front-of-package nutrition labeling and its impact on food industry practices: a systematic review of the evidence
The obesity epidemic has become a major public health concern globally, and the food
supply is a significant driver of this trend. Front-of-package (FOP) labels have been …
supply is a significant driver of this trend. Front-of-package (FOP) labels have been …
[HTML][HTML] Turning FOP nutrition labels into action: A systematic review of label+ interventions
The effectiveness of nutrition labels in modifying dietary choices remains limited. Information
provision alone is a necessary yet insufficient condition for behavior change to occur …
provision alone is a necessary yet insufficient condition for behavior change to occur …
[HTML][HTML] Predicting obesity reduction after implementing warning labels in Mexico: A modeling study
A Basto-Abreu, R Torres-Alvarez… - PLoS …, 2020 -
Background In October 2019, Mexico approved a law to establish that nonalcoholic
beverages and packaged foods that exceed a threshold for added calories, sugars, fats …
beverages and packaged foods that exceed a threshold for added calories, sugars, fats …
Compared to other front-of-pack nutrition labels, the Nutri-Score emerged as the most efficient to inform Swiss consumers on the nutritional quality of food products
Background Switzerland, like other high-income countries, is facing a major public health
challenge with the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases. Discussions are …
challenge with the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases. Discussions are …