Understanding healthcare utilization in China through the Andersen behavioral model: review of evidence from the China health and nutrition survey

S Zhang, Q Chen, B Zhang - Risk management and healthcare …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction Factors influencing healthcare utilization in China have been frequently
analyzed and discussed from various angles, based upon different objectives. However, few …

Health economics for low-income countries

G Mwabu - Handbook of development economics, 2007 - Elsevier
Good health is a determinant of economic growth and a component of the well-being of the
population. This chapter discusses and synthesizes economic models of individual and …

[KNYGA][B] The measurement of environmental and resource values: theory and methods

AM Freeman Iii, JA Herriges, CL Kling - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
The first edition of this important work was the winner of the 2002 Publication of Enduring
Quality award by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. The …

The human capital model

M Grossman - Handbook of health economics, 2000 - Elsevier
This chapter contains a detailed treatment of the human capital model of the demand for
health which was originally developed in 1972. Theoretical predictions are discussed, and …

[KNYGA][B] The demand for health: a theoretical and empirical investigation

M Grossman - 2017 - degruyter.com
■ 48■ production of health is relatively time-intensive to predict the effect of an increase in
the wage rate on the demand for health. Again, he does not have to know whether shifts in …

Air pollution, health, and socio-economic status: the effect of outdoor air quality on childhood asthma

MJ Neidell - Journal of health economics, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper estimates the effect of air pollution on child hospitalizations for asthma using
naturally occurring seasonal variations in pollution within zip codes. Of the pollutants …

Capital humano, teorías y métodos: importancia de la variable salud

DI Pérez-Fuentes, JL Castillo-Loaiza - Economía, sociedad y territorio, 2016 - scielo.org.mx
Este trabajo presenta una revisión de literatura sobre el concepto de capital humano, se
muestran las diferentes metodologías de medición, la relación que mantiene con el …

Demand for health: a generalised Grossman model

JM Muurinen - Journal of Health economics, 1982 - Elsevier
The demand for health and medical care is analysed within a generalised Grossman-type
health investment model. Its underlying assumptions are shown to differ from those …

The value of changes in life expectancy

S Rosen - Journal of Risk and uncertainty, 1988 - Springer
Valuation formulas for age-specific mortality risks are derived from life-cycle allocation
theory under uncertainty and related to empirical estimates of the value of life. A change in …

A Model of the Demand for Longevity and the Value of Life Extension

I Ehrlich, H Chuma - Journal of Political economy, 1990 - journals.uchicago.edu
We specify a demand function for longevity, or" quantity of life," along with corresponding
demand functions for indicators of" quality of life" and a value-of-health and life extension …