Understanding healthcare utilization in China through the Andersen behavioral model: review of evidence from the China health and nutrition survey
S Zhang, Q Chen, B Zhang - Risk management and healthcare …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction Factors influencing healthcare utilization in China have been frequently
analyzed and discussed from various angles, based upon different objectives. However, few …
analyzed and discussed from various angles, based upon different objectives. However, few …
Health economics for low-income countries
G Mwabu - Handbook of development economics, 2007 - Elsevier
Good health is a determinant of economic growth and a component of the well-being of the
population. This chapter discusses and synthesizes economic models of individual and …
population. This chapter discusses and synthesizes economic models of individual and …
[KNYGA][B] The measurement of environmental and resource values: theory and methods
AM Freeman Iii, JA Herriges, CL Kling - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
The first edition of this important work was the winner of the 2002 Publication of Enduring
Quality award by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. The …
Quality award by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. The …
The human capital model
M Grossman - Handbook of health economics, 2000 - Elsevier
This chapter contains a detailed treatment of the human capital model of the demand for
health which was originally developed in 1972. Theoretical predictions are discussed, and …
health which was originally developed in 1972. Theoretical predictions are discussed, and …
[KNYGA][B] The demand for health: a theoretical and empirical investigation
M Grossman - 2017 - degruyter.com
■ 48■ production of health is relatively time-intensive to predict the effect of an increase in
the wage rate on the demand for health. Again, he does not have to know whether shifts in …
the wage rate on the demand for health. Again, he does not have to know whether shifts in …
Air pollution, health, and socio-economic status: the effect of outdoor air quality on childhood asthma
MJ Neidell - Journal of health economics, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper estimates the effect of air pollution on child hospitalizations for asthma using
naturally occurring seasonal variations in pollution within zip codes. Of the pollutants …
naturally occurring seasonal variations in pollution within zip codes. Of the pollutants …
Capital humano, teorías y métodos: importancia de la variable salud
Este trabajo presenta una revisión de literatura sobre el concepto de capital humano, se
muestran las diferentes metodologías de medición, la relación que mantiene con el …
muestran las diferentes metodologías de medición, la relación que mantiene con el …
Demand for health: a generalised Grossman model
JM Muurinen - Journal of Health economics, 1982 - Elsevier
The demand for health and medical care is analysed within a generalised Grossman-type
health investment model. Its underlying assumptions are shown to differ from those …
health investment model. Its underlying assumptions are shown to differ from those …
The value of changes in life expectancy
S Rosen - Journal of Risk and uncertainty, 1988 - Springer
Valuation formulas for age-specific mortality risks are derived from life-cycle allocation
theory under uncertainty and related to empirical estimates of the value of life. A change in …
theory under uncertainty and related to empirical estimates of the value of life. A change in …
A Model of the Demand for Longevity and the Value of Life Extension
I Ehrlich, H Chuma - Journal of Political economy, 1990 - journals.uchicago.edu
We specify a demand function for longevity, or" quantity of life," along with corresponding
demand functions for indicators of" quality of life" and a value-of-health and life extension …
demand functions for indicators of" quality of life" and a value-of-health and life extension …